Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance

Review – Opened Up

Opened Up; An Exposed Dreams Novel (Standalone)
by Eva Moore (Author)

This review is from: May 1, 2018 By Kay Daniels (Kindle Edition-Goodreads)
Heat Level:🔥🔥🔥

Sofia Valenti works for her family’s business, Valenti Brothers Construction. And even though her dreams are to design homes using her interior designing skills, she is stuck in the office running payroll, entering invoices for shipping/receiving, billing, accounts receivable, etc… she is a one woman show for a multiple person job. Her dreams seem to slip further and further from her grasp as more jobs fall on her desk everyday sending Sofia’s agitation higher. It doesn’t help when Adrian Villanueva stops in and continually refers to her as beautiful or gorgeous. She is anything but. Since taking on more responsibility at work, she’s put on a few well placed pounds and feels anything but beautiful. She doesn’t need Adrian rubbing in just how untrue the statement really is.

Adrian Villanueva has been working at Valenti Brothers Construction since he was a young man. Taking care of his family since his father was deported has been his top priority, but now that his youngest sister is almost finished with her schooling Adrian can finally focus on himself for the first time. He’s always found Sofia a beautiful woman, even when she was just a teenage girl, but now that she’s blossomed into a woman he can barely keep his eyes off her. Problem. She’s the bosses daughter. What can he offer her?  He needs to prove himself first then perhaps she will finally look his way.

When Adrian and Sofia are put together to work on a big project for the company their attraction blossoms, but they both know what is on the line if the project fails. Can they keep their growing attraction under wraps until they both have a chance to prove themselves?

I love watching HGTV. The transformation that happens on screen, along with any drama the show can drum up is always fascinating, so I was fascinated to read Opened Up. In the beginning the chemistry between Adrian and Sofia fell flat multiple times, which pulled me out of the story.  Also since fiction should take me away from reality, unfortunately when it came to Sofia, I’ve worked in a company where I was undervalued. You will quickly find out that not only is Sofia worked to the bone, no one listens to her or wants her opinion, yet they all want to use her for their own gains. Basically the Dirty Dancing mentality of “let’s keep Baby in the corner”.

Adrian is her hero and pulls her out of that proverbial corner and makes sure Sofia understands that she is sexy even though she has packed on a few pounds. He loves that she has a brilliant mind and they make a good team. If only we all had an “Adrian” in our everyday work situations to come rescue us from insufferable bosses.

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