Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, Forbidden/Taboo, LGBTQA+, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Mr. Important by Lucy Lennox and May Archer

Mr. Important; Honeybridge #2
(standalone within a series)

Publication Date: March 14, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Workplace/Forced Proximity/Age Gap/Forbidden/Billionaire/MM Romance

Author: Lucy Lennox and May Archer

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


There is no better feeling than having someone believe in you. In whatever capacity that may be; getting your life together, telling the truth, finding your identity, starting a new job, so on and so forth…just having that one person giving you hope is sometimes all it takes and Reagan and Thatcher found that in each other. This book hit more feelings than I was expecting and it was a wonderful emotional boost of hope and love that made the ride well worth reading.

Reagan is known as a lot of things; a politician’s son, a constant f-up to his mother and father, a social influencer, and so on and so forth. At twenty-eight Reagan wants to make a difference, get serious with his life, and he wants to get it right, but one hookup on New Year’s might might have set his goal to make this year better even worse. Not only did he mess up again, but his mess up was with his boss’s boss. His forever crush, Thatcher Pennington.

Thatcher is a workaholic with two failed marriages under his belt. He doesn’t engage in hookups often, due to his work schedule, but on New Year’s Eve a random hookup leads him to someone he never would have, or even should have, picked out…his friend’s son. To say the chemistry is explosive from the moment they meet is an understatement, but it should have only been the one time, there are so many reasons they shouldn’t work, but also so many reasons why they should.

Thatcher has a lot of blind spots when it comes to things in this book but it isn’t because he’s a bad man or pig headed, he’s almost twenty years Reagan’s senior so age is a factor when it comes to wisdom, but also age tends to make people set in their ways. So I loved his character for all of those facets built in. Thatcher is patient, loving, and very understanding when it comes to Reagan, but also practical and very business savvy. He’s great in every way.

Reagan is the perfect fit for Thatcher in the sense of his youthful outlook, his peopling skills, and general ease with everything he does. He takes everything in around him and brings it together with grace, the perfect man by far to run a social media account, but also to ease Thatcher’s workaholic life. Reagan is sooooo easy to like and I rooted for him through the entire book.

Lastly, I loved McGee, he’s hilarious 😂 He’s there through basically the entire book, but I’ll let you discover the awesomeness of McGee and why he’s so great!


One New Year’s masquerade. One anonymous hookup. One billionaire-sized mistake.

Once upon a time, someone looked at my scrawny, impetuous eight-year-old self and nicknamed me Mr. Important… and I believed them.

That was my first mistake.

Two decades, a dozen failed careers, and a thousand meaningless hookups later, I’ve made more mistakes than I can count. My parents have decided I’m purely decorative, my brother thinks I need pep talks, and the gorgeous billionaire who hired me as a favor to my dad? He’s forgotten I exist.

So I’m done with mistakes.

Call it my New Year’s resolution. From now on, I’m going after what I want… starting with the mysterious silver fox in the Roman warrior mask who approached me at the charity gala and offered me a scorching, anonymous one-night stand.

Unfortunately, when our masks come off I realize mistakes are not done with me.

Because the bossy guy who blew my mind? He’d thought I was someone else. Worse than that, he’s my father’s friend. A supposedly-straight workaholic. The person I’m stuck on a road trip with for the next two weeks. And, oh yeah, my actual boss.

The farther we get from New York, the closer we become, and the harder it is to pretend I’m not falling for him. But I can’t see how someone as brilliant, controlled, and successful as Thatcher Pennington would risk everything to be with someone like me… even if he makes me feel like I’m finally Mr. Important.

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