Book Reviews, LGBTQA+, RomCom, Sports Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review -These Pucking Boys by Michelle Hercules

These Pucking Boys; Book #1
(#1 within a duet)

Publication Date: May 16, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Duet/Why Choose/Sports Romance

Author: Michelle Hercules

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


I was pleasantly shocked, in so many good ways, that I can hardly wait for the second part of this fun, steamy, amazing book!!

June first meets Lachlan, Jake and Ryan after she is humiliated by her long time boyfriend when she proposes to him on the Jumbotron at a Titans hockey game. It’s at this same moment that she simultaneously finds out he’s been cheating on her with her best friend. Lachlan, Jake and Ryan see this all go down and invite June to celebrate their win. While it would normally seem quick, the storyline actually all makes sense when it happens, so trust the process. ❤️

Getting to know each guy, or actually I’m going to say separating Jake and Ryan took a bit of time, at least for me. Lachlan was easier just given his Scottish accent and the fact that he is the goalie, but once I got to know them, and I do mean all of them 😏 it was easier to separate who was who.

These three guys are teammates, best friends, and roommates. Yes, they share living space and on occasion a willing woman for an evening. That’s not to say that when it feels right one of them hasn’t dated long term before, or at least Lachy or Jake have, Ryan is a different story, but when none of them are in a long term committed relationship and the timing is right…these three know how to burn up the sheets with one lucky lady. 🥵

That lucky lady happens to be June Summers, 😂 yes she understands the redundancy of her name June is sweetly awkward, while also being sassy and bold. I adored all sides of June and could see why three gorgeous men fell for her so easily. She also has so many accidental mishaps, but she doesn’t let it get her down in the dumps. She is sunshine in a cup and I just wanted to drink her down.

This book super steamy and so much fun that I want to start at the beginning, meet the characters for the first time again and read it all over.

Once upon a time, there was a small-town girl with big dreams. She planned to move to LA with her high school sweetheart; they’d get married, and she’d become the hottest screenwriter in Hollywood.

She did accomplish the moving to LA part, and she’s about to tick marrying her boyfriend off the list. But all her plans go up in flames when she proposes on the Jumbotron during a Titans’ hockey game, and he says no. He’s been screwing one of her friends!

In case you’re wondering, that stupid-ass small-town girl is me.

After the most humiliating moment of my existence, I never want to go out in public again. But here comes the plot twist.

Three of the Titans hockey players saw my fiasco on TV, and to cheer me up, they invite me to a Titans team party. I couldn’t care less about meeting them in person, but the prospect of free booze wins me over.

I don’t expect to end up in a hotel room with the trio and have the hottest, most mind-blowing one-night stand of my life.

Not in my wildest fantasies did I imagine sleeping with three men, but it’s okay-I’ll never see them again, right?

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2024 Excerpt/Teaser, Blog Tour - 2024, Dark Romance, New Adult, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Drew by Siobhan Davis

Loving me hasn’t ended well in the past. Why would this time be any different?

Drew, an all-new dark revenge romance, and the final book in the Rydeville Elite Series from USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Siobhan Davis, is now available!

Mistakes and secrets.

My life is littered with them. 

And it’s not always me who pays the price.

So, I do something I swore I wouldn’t do—become the monster my father raised me to be.

To shield my loved ones from the predators I hunt, I keep family and friends in the dark, but I won’t apologize for protecting them.

I do what needs to be done, and I’ve accepted my fate.

My heart is an impenetrable fortress now, and my only pleasure comes from anonymous encounters in the private dungeon of a club where I unleash my inner beast.

Years have passed, but my thirst for vengeance never dies.

I’ll tear the world apart to find the answers I seek. 

No one will stop me from having my revenge.

Including the woman who took a wrecking ball to my heart. 

Loving me hasn’t ended well in the past. Why would this time be any different?

Start reading today!

FREE in Kindle Unlimited


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Keep reading for a look inside Drew!

“Where are we going?” Charlie asks from the passenger seat of my SUV as I turn off the road and drive through the open gates of the private entrance that leads to the old, abandoned hotel situated thirteen miles from Rydeville.

“You wanted to know, and the best way is to show you,” I supply as my cell pings with an incoming call. I press the button to accept Blackwood’s return call. “About damn time,” I growl.

“You’re not my only client.” His voice rings out through the car speakers.

“I’m the only client that matters.”

“Your arrogance never fails to astound me,” he replies in a droll tone.

“You’re not the first person to tell me that today,” I admit, and Charlie snorts. Silence descends for a few beats. “It’s okay,” I tell my contact. “Barron is with me, and he’s about to find out everything.”

“Good. That’s good. It’s long overdue.”

“Don’t have a clue who you are, but you talk sense,” Charlie says as I navigate along the bumpy driveway, maneuvering around potholes and bits of the old fence that litter our way.

“Ezra is my PI and personal hacker,” I explain, turning the windshield wipers on as the heavens open, tipping sheets of rain from the sky.

“I want to be there when you tell Daniels, Hunt, and Anderson.” Charlie chuckles.

“They will never know,” I say in a clipped tone, casting a quick glance at my buddy. “You promised you’d keep this confidential.”

“And I will.”

“I mean it, Charlie. I’m not dragging anyone else into this. It’s too dangerous.” I take a sharp left at the end of the bumpy road, driving more smoothly along the tree-lined lower part of the driveway now we’re on asphalt.

“I don’t agree, but I gave you my word. I won’t say anything to the others. The only people who will know are me and Demi.”

Charlie has changed so much. There was a time he was as secretive and stubborn as me. I’m still shocked he tells his wife everything.

I wonder what it’d be like to not have to hold anything back. To have someone accept you and love you completely knowing every dark broken part of you.

For more information about Siobhan Davis and her books, visit her website: