Book Reviews, New Adult, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Savage Vicious Heir part two by Caitlyn Dare

Savage Vicious Heir; Heirs’ of All Hallows #8
(#2 within a duet, #8 within a series)

Publication Date: May 23, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Duet/New Adult/Opposites Attract Romance

Author: Caitlyn Dare

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


An end to the Heirs’ era. Elliot and Abi’s duet rounded out this series perfectly. It was sweet torment and beautiful heartache sprinkled with lots of nostalgia. I couldn’t have wanted anything more.

While Elliot definitely has his work cut out for him, given the way the first book ended, he has to work hard to gain Abi’s trust back, so it isn’t all hearts and roses. However, Abi is worth all the time and effort, just ask Elliot. While Abigail comes across as shy, to most everyone else, around Elliot she blossoms and he loves that he’s in the minority that gets to witness it.

Abigail truly flourishes in this second half, although it does take some time to find her footing. I’ve always loved when her inner beast comes out, as that girl knows how to wield her fire, she just keeps it under wraps most days. Elliot and Abi strengthen one another and their relationship grows as they lean on one another.

While I’m so happy with how Abigail and Elliot finally found their happy ending, I’m sad that this series has come to an end. There were multiple times that even Elliot reflected back, saw the growth of his friends, his “brothers”, and marveled at how far they’d all come, mostly in thanks to the great women who’d knocked them all to their knees. Yes, even the great Elliot Eaton can admit that all the new women in his life have made things better, especially Abigail Bancroft. She is the best thing that’s ever happened to him and his only regret is that he waited so long to claim her.🥰

He’s savage. He’s vicious… and he’s determined to save her.

Elliot Eaton didn’t expect to fall for the quiet, scarred wallflower. But she buried herself under his skin and now he can’t get her out.

Quiet. Resilient. Humble.

She sees past his reputation as an Heir.

Elliot wants her even though he knows his father will never accept her. Even though he knows a girl like her doesn’t belong in the world he’s forced to inhabit.

But Abigail is stronger than people realise. And she’s determined to find out who Elliot Eaton really is.

Because some things are worth fighting for…

Elliot saved her and now it’s her turn to save him.

Savage Vicious Heir: part two is a dark high school bully romance. If possessive, rugby-playing alphaholes aren’t your thing, you probably won’t like this book!

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Firefly Effect by K.K. Allen

Firefly Effect

Publication Date: May 24, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Suspense/Small Town/Single Dad Romance

Author: K.K. Allen

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


Firefly Effect has layers upon layers upon layers and it was spectacular to peel back each one while I read. Allen brilliantly crafted a suspenseful story around an old campfire tale that also weaved a poetic story to finding love where you least expect it. There were several unexpected twists that I never saw coming and I loved every single one!!

Evelyn Vaughn lives in the same small town where an old campfire legend came to life and then changed her life forever. Now fourteen years later it appears the Firefly Man is back along with a mysterious new doctor in town. A hot doc that seems to be the talk of town. At least it has taken the talk off of what happened years ago, which Evelyn appreciates. However, it appears she is still at the heart of town gossip, considering Lincoln’s eye is on her and no one else.

Doctor Lincoln Reed has moved to town with his adorable four year old daughter, Lucy and it doesn’t take long for Lucy to wrap around Evelyn’s heart. Okay, it doesn’t take long for Lincoln to warm her over either. While he may be new to town, he’s open and engaging in a way that has Evelyn spilling her innermost secrets that she hasn’t shared with anyone, not for fourteen years.

Their relationship burns hot and quick, but even as Evelyn holds herself back, there are still secrets Lincoln is keeping as well. The layers that these two peel is back are sooooooo good!!!! Also, these two are pure FIRE!!! Lincoln is – a doc in the streets and a freak in the sheets. 🥵🔥 Oh, my hot, burning, biscuits…I needed to sit in front of a fan because Dr. Reed is smoking hot! 🔥🔥🔥

Firefly Effect is a great romance with a fantastic suspenseful plot. Chef’s 💋💯

For years, tales of the Firefly Man were nothing more than elaborate rumors spread by residents in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Until the night Evelyn Vaughn stumbled upon a dead body in the woods.
Fear gripped her, and silence stole her voice.
All while she watched the boy she was with that night take the fall.

Fourteen years later, Evelyn is nothing more than a shell of her former self.
Her life moves like a clock, from one moment to the next, never a surprise.
Gone are the days of chasing fireflies through the woods.
Until her therapist goes missing and he’s replaced with someone new.
Dr. Lincoln Reed.
A devastatingly handsome single dad with an intensity behind his evergreen eyes that jolts her back to life.

Or does it?

Evelyn is quickly losing grip of the suppressed reality she’s worked so hard to live.
With every new session on Dr. Reed’s couch, comes a startling new revelation that has her past awakening like the sparkles of light she used to chase through the Appalachian woods.

The Firefly Man was supposed to be a rumor, a fable, a spooky tale.
But Evelyn remembers the truth.
He’s her very own phantom.
And he’s back.

All the vibes…
💫 Small mountain town romantic suspense
💫 Single dad to an adorable little girl
💫 He’s the small town’s new therapist
💫 She’s the manager of a bookish bar 📚🍸
💫 This hero is obsessed with her
💫 Angsty AF, of course 😉
💫 Thrilling, mysterious, and packed with romance

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

2024 New Release/Release Day, New Adult, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

New Release – The Torment of Two by K. Webster

The Torment of Two by K Webster is now live! The fifth book in the Shameful Secrets series is here and it is sure to keep you on your toes!

Order Now!


At PMU, I can finally be free to be my own person away from the Park family name.

This semester, though, my happiness is threatened when I meet him.

Tristan “Two” Sheridan is a grumpy jerk who nearly runs me over with his hunk of junk car and then has the audacity to blame me.

Our dislike for one another is instantaneous.

Imagine my horror when not only is he in one of my new “blow-off” classes, but I’ve also been partnered up with him for a labor-intensive class project for a huge portion of my grade.

His distaste for me is mild at first, but the second he learns my name, it turns to utter contempt.

Why does he hate me so much?

What did I ever do to earn such nastiness from a man I don’t even know?

Beneath Two’s crankiness are secrets—secrets I plan to uncover. With each encounter, I peel back more of the mysterious layers of the handsome man with the pale gray eyes and find there’s someone likable deep down beneath. And, despite his grudge against me and my family, I think he can’t help but like me too.

As we spend more time together on our project, and just when I think I’ve got a handle on Two, I start getting harassed by someone else. This person stalks me at every turn, leaving me anonymous creepy notes and promises of a future together.

The stalker is the least of my problems, though. When Two reveals the true reason for hating me—the crushing secret that has tormented him his entire life—my own world is suddenly turned upside down. I feel inadvertently responsible and want to somehow make it all better.

A budding romance burns hot between us as our walls come down, but we have to keep it a secret. My parents will vehemently disprove of our coupling, and his will be utterly destroyed. Under the guise of our project, we’re able to spend stolen moments together, stoking the flames of our growing feelings for one another, keeping the bitter truth from our families.

But my stalker has other nefarious plans that keep escalating in nature.

In order to get help from my father and my brother’s cop fiancée, I will have to come clean. My life may depend on it. Ugly truths will be brought to light and Two’s family will no doubt suffer the consequences. I dread the day I’ll be forced to spill the truth.

Is this thing between me and Two worth all the heartache and pain destined for our future?

Only time will tell…

Read Kay’s Review: The Torment of Two

About the Author:

K Webster is a USA Today Bestselling author. Her titles have claimed many bestseller tags in numerous categories, are translated in multiple languages, and have been adapted into audiobooks. She lives in “Tornado Alley” with her husband, two children, and her baby dog named Blue. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and researching aliens.

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