Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – My Royal Showmance by Lexi Blake

My Royal Showmance; Park Avenue Promise #2
(#2 within a series)

Publication Date: June 4, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Royal/Opposites Attract/Cinderella Story/Showbiz Romance

Author: Lexi Blake

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


I loved this story! I could completely picture My Royal Showmance being on TV.

Lexi out did herself with all the showbiz drama, the confessionals, and all the nuances that make up dating shows. It was fun with the right amount of spice, intrigue, and the perfect amount of Lexi flair added throughout.

Luca St. Marten is a king from a small country with the world’s pressures weighing down on him. As a move to help his country he’s looking for his queen on a new dating show called ,The King Takes a Bride. He doesn’t really believe in love, but he does believe in finding the right person to help his country and his cause. With all the promotion and attention coming from the show, he’s hoping for tourism to rise. What he didn’t count on was finding Anika Fox among the contestants, a woman who might be everything he’s been looking for.

Anika gets pulled into the dating pool when one of the potential “princesses” drops out at the last minute. Anika is actually on set as a PA, but with the all hands on deck mentality, she fits the bill, or more like the clothes and becomes a contestant. Anika never once dreamed that she wouldn’t get cut after the first night, or the next, or the next. She has no desire to become queen of a foreign country when she’s perfectly happy in New York, but the longer she spends with Luca the more she begins to wonder what being his queen could actually mean. The deeper she gets, can she actually have it all or is living a fantasy?

This is a wonderful fantasy, while staying totally grounded in American trash TV land. I loved everything about the story, the characters and especially how everything wrapped up.

From New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake, discover The Park Avenue Promise Series…

Three young women make a pact in high school—
to always be friends and to one day make it big in Manhattan.

My Royal Showmance

Anika Fox knows exactly where she wants to be, and it’s not on the set of a reality TV dating show. She’s working her way up at the production company she works for and she’s close to achieving some of her dreams. The big boss just wants one thing from her. She’s got a potential problem with the director of The King Takes a Bride and she wants Anika to pose as a production assistant and report back.

As the prince of a tiny European country, Luca St. Marten knows the world views him as one of the pampered royalty of the world. It couldn’t be further from the truth. His country is hurting and he’s right there on the front lines with his citizens. When he’s asked to do a dating show, his counselors point out that it could bring tourism back to Ralavia. It goes against his every desire, but he agrees.

When one of the contestants drops out at the last minute, Anika finds herself replacing the potential princess. She’s sure she’ll be asked to leave the first night, but Luca keeps picking her again and again. Suddenly she finds herself in the middle of a made-for-TV fantasy, and she’s unsure what’s real and what’s simply reality TV.

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
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or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

Cover Reveal - 2024, Year of Releases - 2024

Cover Reveal – The Devil Himself by BB Easton

BB Easton has revealed the covers for The Devil Himself!

Releasing: August 29, 2024

Discreet Cover Design: Emily Wittig Designs

Model Cover:

Photographer: Ren Saliba

Growing up, there wasn’t a night that went by that my mother didn’t read to me from the Legend Has It series by Darby Donovan. It was her favorite—a collection of spooky folktales about a town called Glenshire and the lonely, gray-eyed fairy prince who haunted the woods there. I knew that they were just stories, but when my mother died and left me in the care of my cold, abusive father, that fictional fairy prince suddenly became very, very real to me. It was as if he was always there, hiding in the shadows, offering me his silent comfort. I created an imaginary friend when I needed one most. 

And thirteen years later, I’m doing it again.   

When my coastal Irish village is bombed by the new Russian president, Alexei Abramov, a Bratva leader seeking revenge on the United Irish Brotherhood, those missiles destroy everything I’ve ever known—my home, my family, and evidently, my sanity—because when I pull an injured Russian Naval officer out of the sea, a man who is the embodiment of evil, I can’t bring myself to let him die. 

Secluded together in my secret hiding spot, we’re safe from the mafia war raging outside, but the overwhelming connection I feel to this stranger is a battle I fight every single day. I hate him with everything that I am, but when he looks at me with those smoky gray eyes, all I see is my friend. When he touches me, all I feel is a buzzing, electric desire. And when he wraps his lips around the sustenance that I offer him, all I want is to feel them pressed against mine, loving me, putting me back together. 

But no one can live in a fantasy world forever, and when reality finally comes crashing down around us, the truth about him is even worse than I could have imagined. 

The man I rescued is no fairy prince. 

He’s the goddamn Devil himself. 

Pre-order your copy today!

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Meet BB Easton

Wall Street Journal bestselling author BB Easton lives in the suburbs of Atlanta with her long-suffering husband, Ken, and two adorable children. A few years ago, she quit her job as a school psychologist to write books about her punk rock past and deviant sexual history full-time. Ken wasn’t super excited about that, but now that he’s appeared in three of her books and inspired a TV show character, he’s incredibly supportive.

BB’s debut memoir, 44 Chapters About 4 Men, went on to inspire the Netflix original series, Sex/Life, which was viewed by 67 million households worldwide within the first month making it the 3rd most-watched Netflix original series of all time. Because she had so much fun writing 44 Chapters, BB went on to publish four more wickedly funny, shockingly steamy, and heartwarmingly autobiographical books, one for each man in her memoir—Skin, Speed, Star, and Suit.

The Rain Trilogy—a dark, immersive, end-of-the-world romance—was BB’s first work of fiction. Or at least, that’s what she thought when she wrote it in 2019. Then, 2020 hit, and all of her dystopian plot points started coming true. Hoping to fix everything, BB returned with a fun, feel-good romantic comedy called Group Therapy, but alas, the world is still on fire … and so is BB’s desire to write intense, us-against-the-world romances. Her next release, Devil of Dublin, is a dark Irish mafia romance steeped in folklore and family secrets.

You can find BB procrastinating in all of the following places:





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