Book Reviews, Cowboy Romance, Forbidden/Taboo, LGBTQA+, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Burning the Midnight Oil by Ashley James

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Burning the Midnight Oil; Copper Lake #3;
(#3 within a series)

Publication Date: June 7, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Cowboy/MM/Forbidden/Bi-Awakening/Small Town Romance

Author: Ashley James

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


The Copper Lake Series has been so incredibly good and the newest book, Burning the Midnight Oil, brings the angst along with all the feels!!!

Grady Wilde is this beautiful light, even when he hasn’t had the easiest time at life. He constantly feels like a disappointment to those around him and is currently living with sister while he struggles to find his path to what he wants to do. Or should I say, stand up for what he really wants to do instead of what his parents want him to do, but even as he feels the world stacked against him, there is something about Grady that shines from within. I loved how down to earth he always was. His inner sense of self was strong and his love for his sister and niece was super sweet. That was the beacon of light that Boone was drawn to. That shining hope that Grady gives off.

Boone Stanton is a rough, bull-riding, man’s man. Married to his high school sweetheart, well, soon to be divorced, but he’s only ever been attracted to women, that is until his brother-in-law comes to live under his roof. For the first time ever Boone is feeling things he never has before, feeling more alive than he ever has, but also more confused. Yes, he’s known Grady for years, but never once had he looked at him as anything more than Jade’s little brother, but something has shifted, or been uncovered and Boone isn’t sure he wants to cover it back up.

Not only does this book involve feelings with bi-awakening, but it revolves around the aspect of falling for your in-law. It was angsty, angsty, angsty 🥺 as these two had a lot of feelings to deal with, that involved more than just each other. I loved all the multi-faceted aspects that rolled in because of it. How do you deal with your new feelings while your past is still part of your every day life? This book was excellent and very emotional.

There are cameos from past characters which makes this a wonderful addition to the series, but this book can also be read as a standalone.

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Rule number one: Don’t fall for my brother in law.
It should be easy, right?

When I moved in with my sister over summer break, I had no intention of returning to college in the fall. A work trip for her meant a lot of time alone for me with her husband. Boone Stanton. World famous bull rider and way, way off limits.

A few late night, deep conversations between the two of us, only the midnight sky our witness, and suddenly, I can’t look away. Can’t keep my mind off of him.

It’s in the way he works around the yard, sweaty and shirtless. The way his eyes soften and he leans into his playful side around his daughter. And it’s in the way he makes me feel seen. The way he’s slowly chipping away at my exterior without even realizing it.

Then one night I see something I shouldn’t. Something that makes my mouth water and my heart race. Except when he catches me, instead of stopping and reprimanding me, he… keeps going.

Now, I have the opportunity of a lifetime but it means going on the road with him. It means living in even closer quarters than before. It also means doubling down on keeping my hands to myself and my gaze away from his dark, observing eyes.

But I’m only human, and it’s only a matter of time before I crack. Before I give in and do something I can’t take back.

Something that could cost me everything.

Why you will love this book…


Brother in law


Professional bull rider


Single Dad


Small Town


Age Gap


Forced Proximity


MM Romance

Want more Copper Lake?

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Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – The Trouble with Bad Boys Anthology

Trouble with Bad Boys

Publication Date: June 4, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Various Romance

Authors: K.M. Scott, Stephanie St. Klaire, Morgan James, Ellie Isaacson, Abbi Cook, Elizabella Baker, Anna Blakely, Kristi Avalon, Debra St. James, Brooke O’Brien, Victoria Ellis, Anise Storm, J.C. Thompson, Nadia Han, Anna Brooks, S.E. Rose

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


There are lots of different tropes and levels of steam contained within this anthology, but I chose to read Wicked Kisses by Debra St. James.

This was the first story I’ve read by Debra and I’m definitely going to read her again. Wicked Kisses was well written, engaging, and filled with the perfect chemistry and steam for a short story. I can’t wait to read a longer book because I didn’t want this one to end.

Sophie is a young woman looking to start a new job, for the first time, at a tattoo shop. She’s a brilliant artist, a graduate with a fine arts degree, but now she wants to put that degree to practical use. She faces several problems; One, she currently lives with her father who is very religious and doesn’t believe in tattoos. Two, she’s only drawn on paper never inked on skin and three, shes highly attracted to the owner. However, if she sets all of that aside, everything should work out.😉

I don’t want to say more since it’s a quick read, but Wicked Kisses has elements of the forbidden, a workplace romance, age gap (he’s 12 years older) and it’s also a single parent romance. It has a lot of good tropes that wrapped up into one delicious read.

Lastly, I really enjoyed how the story tied in elements of the anthologies charity. That really tied everything together and hit all the feels.

The trouble with bad boys…

They’re not the forever type, but the chemistry is too intense to ignore. Their touch sets you on fire. Their kiss makes you crave more. They’ll draw you in with their sophisticated charm, break the rules… and your heart. Everything about them is wrong, yet you can’t stay away.

Because sometimes… bad is better.

Don’t miss these rugged rebels and the strong women who will tame their wild hearts!

*100% of proceeds from The Trouble With Bad Boys will benefit Our Rescue to support victims of human trafficking.

Authors involved are:
K.M. Scott, Stephanie St. Klaire, Morgan James, Ellie Isaacson, Abbi Cook, Elizabella Baker, Anna Blakely, Kristi Avalon, Debra St. James, Brooke O’Brien, Victoria Ellis, Anise Storm, J.C. Thompson, Nadia Han, Anna Brooks, S.E. Rose

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance