Blog Tour - 2024, Year of Releases - 2024

Release Boost – The Copper Valley Fireballs Complete Series by Pippa Grant

Title: The Copper Valley Fireballs
The Complete Series
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 30, 2024
Meet the Copper Valley Fireballs, baseball’s lovable losers whose hot heroes are determined to turn this team around and resisting finding love along the way! This box set includes four full-length romantic comedies and a bonus novella.
About the books:
Jock Blocked is a home run of a feel-good romantic comedy featuring the world’s most superstitious sports fan, baseball’s oldest virgin hero, a rogue meatball, an adorable puppy with a cussing problem, and a happily ever after more satisfying than a game-winning grand slam.
Real Fake Love is a line drive straight to the heart featuring a grumpy athlete, a jilted bride, a fake relationship, and the world’s laziest cat. It stands alone and comes complete with sibling rivalry, the world’s most awkward shower scene, and a sweetly satisfying happily ever after.
The Grumpy Player Next Door is a fun-filled enemies-to-lovers romcom featuring a ray of sunshine on a mission, an athlete who’s only grouchy around her, and an epic prank gone wrong. It stands alone and comes complete with small-town shenanigans, a goat who’s not nearly as wise as his name suggests, and proof that sometimes, love is the best kind of vengeance.
Irresistible Trouble is a hilarious grand slam of a romcom about a baseball player whose ego is catching up to him, a pop star who’s a bit of a hot mess when the cameras aren’t looking (and sometimes when they are), and the kind of family and teammates that everyone deserves… in small doses.
Have Yourself a Grumpy Little Christmas is a hit of holiday sweetness featuring a grumpy retired baseball pitcher who hates the holidays, his best friend’s little sister, and a Christmas tree mishap.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Pippa Grant wanted to write books, so she did. Before she became a USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling romantic comedy author, she was a young military spouse who got into writing as self-therapy. That happened around the time she discovered reading romance novels, and the two eventually merged into a career. Today, she has more than 30 knee-slapping Pippa Grant titles and nine written as Jamie Farrell. When she’s not writing romantic comedies, she’s fumbling through being a mom, wife, and mountain woman, and sometimes trying to find hobbies. Her crowning achievement? Having impeccable timing for telling stories that will make people snort beverages out of their noses. Consider yourself warned.
2024 Excerpt/Teaser, Blog Tour - 2024, LGBTQA+, New Adult, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour  – Goodbye Note by J.R. Gray

We gave up on forever and I’d give anything for another shot at love.

Goodbye Note, an all-new emotional, angst-filled, friends to lovers, secret relationship, M/M romance from bestselling author J.R. Gray is now available!

I’m living the dream, playing summer festivals to massive crowds. 

My band is on fire, my best friend by my side and we’re on top of the world. 

I fell for him in the heat of the summer. I fell for the stars in his eyes. 

The way he said my name. I’ll never love anyone the same. 

But our story ended when it was just beginning. 

Fame gave me more than I could ever imagine, but I’ll forever suffer the cost.

The summer of love and loss would forever be a stain on my heart.

I used to think life didn’t come with second chances or do overs, until we’re reunited for a world tour as dual headliners. 

Only he thinks I’m happily married, when in reality, my life is crumbling. My team won’t let me announce my divorce, leaving him to believe I’m happily married.

We gave up on forever and I’d give anything for another shot at love. 

Start reading today!

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Keep reading for a look inside Goodbye Note!

Varian St. James. Only a villain had a name like that. Or a rock star. Everyone in this room would recognize him immediately. He was even more beautiful and harsh in person, which said something because the guy had a helluva stage presence and a reputation as a cold dick.

Why was he even here? His band Dopamine-Fiend was everything mine aspired to be. They’d just come off a massive tour with Death Nostalgia, and the rumor was that they were working on another album and an arena tour.  

“You don’t have to—” he started when I didn’t say anything. 

I shook my head before I found my voice, not letting him finish. “No—I take making amends very seriously. A drink is the least I can do.” 

His lips curled, pulling at the unnaturally white skin of the scar, revealing the signature crooked smile he’d had since he was a child. His parents were famous musicians, and he grew up in the spotlight.

Rumors said it happened at a party thrown by his parents, when he was six years old. A party he had no place being at, but no one knew the details of when or where it happened because it had been covered up and he hadn’t been seen in public for years after. 

“What do you fancy?” he asked, leveling me in a stare. 


He tilted his head. “Not too young to drink, are you?” 

“I’m twenty-one.” 

“A baby.”

I scoffed. “Only a couple of years younger than you, I bet.”

“Three, but every year in this industry ages you ten, so you’re a sweet summer child compared to my ancient ass.” He winked.

“Does that make you, like, two hundred and fifty? Are you a vampire or something?”

“Why? Want me to suck your blood?” The amusement reached his eyes this time.

“I’m not saying no…”

He shook his head, full of amusement or so I hoped, and nodded for me to follow him. A few people tried to stop Varian but he begged them off with a finesse that wasn’t rude and left them wanting more. He had to be expert at this networking game, so why had he been hiding in the corner?

I’d heard he hated being the center of attention, but would anyone really choose this life if they hated every part of it? I found it draining but exhilarating when I wasn’t hating myself; I enjoyed all the parts that came with it. I loved people consuming my art. Fans dancing in the crowd, screaming lyrics at the top of their lungs. The attention. The traveling, though we hadn’t done much of that yet. 

The bartender stopped in his tracks, starstruck. I leaned on the polished wood top, observing the interaction. He gushed over Varian for a minute before asking for his order. 

“Jack and coke.” He looked at me. 


The bartender did a double take. “This is your album, right?” He pointed at the ceiling. 

“That’s right.” 

“Cheers. It’s damn good. You two friends?” he asked as he made our drinks. 

 Varian glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. “I think so. I’ll get back to you after the ritual.” 

 “Ritual?” I asked with half a laugh. “Is there a blood vow, too?” 

 Varian leaned in. “Only if you insist.” 

“Then I insist,” I said before I considered the meaning or implication. My chest stirred. 

“I thought I was a vampire. Am I a witch now?”

“Can’t you be both? Let’s keep it kinky.”

His lips pulled against the unevenness from his scar as he smiled. “I think this friendship is going swimmingly, don’t you?” he asked the bartender as he accepted the drink. 

The bartender laughed, smiling at Varian like he put the stars in the sky. “If you want a third wheel…” 

“I’ll let you know,” Varian said before glancing around.

 “Who do you have left to talk to?” 

 I brought my drink to my lips, running through all the faces and names. “I lost track. It’s getting late.” I didn’t want to go schmooze anyone else. I wanted to be here with Varian. 

 “Would you want to go find someplace more quiet? The lights are starting to give me a migraine.” The glint in his almost black eyes looked hopeful. 


 He resumed his scan of the room and then turned on me. “I’m kidnapping you.” 

 “Isn’t it kinda against the point to tell me?”

 “Right.” He snapped. “Good point.” He slapped his hand on the bar. “If I give you a twenty, would you slip me that bottle?” 

“Hey, it’s a free bar.” The bartender weighed it, then set the mostly full bottle on the counter. “If you take it, I saw nothing.” 

Varian took out his wallet and stuffed a twenty into the tip jar before swiping it. “Come on.” 

 I followed him toward the back of the joint and out the doors into the crisp February night. “We’re leaving?” 

 “We can’t talk in there. I can’t even think with the lights and the music.” He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, inhaling deeply. 

 Maybe it was the worst idea to leave my own party, but Varian drew me in. I wanted more.

“So, to gain clarity, we’ll freeze to death?” I pulled my jacket tighter. 

“Always a tradeoff.” He walked toward the lake, and because I clearly had no sense of self preservation, I followed. “But it will be worth it.” 

“Is this the blood ritual or the secret friendship stuff?” I shoved my hands into my pockets. 

 “It can be both.” 

 I laughed. “You’re not going to sacrifice me, are you?” 

 “Only if you ask nicely.” He shot me a glance. 

 “Please, Varian, please.” 

 He groaned and shook his head, lips twisting into a smirk. “Don’t tempt me! We don’t know each other well enough for me to reveal my kinks to you yet.” 

 “Yet? You say that like there will be more.”

 Varian stopped and assessed my figure. “So much more. But we have to get to know each other first.”

 The idea was intoxicating.

 “Then let’s get to know each other.” 

For more information about J.R. Gray and her books, visit her website:

2024 New Release/Release Day, Contemporary Romance, LGBTQA+, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

New Release – Notorious by Leslie McAdam


Notorious by Leslie McAdam is now live!

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Picking up your favorite adult film star at a bar in Vegas is a bad idea—especially when you wake up the next morning married to him. Ask me how I know.

Before I met Velvet the Cowboy, the public knew me as an innocuous guy who was running for office.

Now I’ve gone from boring to notorious in twenty-four hours.

The hot stranger’s ring on my finger puts a damper on my political ambitions, since his day job isn’t voter-friendly. An annulment is a no-go, and a quickie divorce would make me look unreliable.

In any case, when I find out Velvet’s dark plans, I know I can’t let him out of my sight. Which means I’m taking a gorgeous, 6’6”, slow-talking cowboy home with me to protect him from himself.

Being with him might light my career on fire. I’m just not expecting it to do the same to my heart.
Notorious is a stand-alone contemporary romance about Johnny Haskell, a cowboy turned adult star who stops to pet every good dog (and they’re all good dogs), and Kurt Delmont, a senatorial candidate who wants to save the world. It features recovery from a mental health crisis, healing from old wounds, and love that takes these two by surprise. This book contains sensitive themes; a detailed description of the contents is in the author’s note in the book preview. Happily ever after guaranteed.

About Leslie McAdam: