Book Reviews, LGBTQA+, New Adult, Sports Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Off Sides by Andi Jaxon

Book cover for Off Sides: An MM Friends with Benefits Standalone (Darby U Hockey Boys Book 3) by Andi Jaxon

Off Sides; Darby U Hockey Boys #3
(#3 within a series)

Publication Date: June 20, 2024

Genre/Tropes: New Adult/MM/Sports Romance

Author: Andi Jaxon

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


I love this series!! Undoubtedly each book has just gotten better and better, but there was truly something special about Nick and Joey that hit my feels just right as they are by far my favorite couple. 😍

Captain Joey and everyday Joey are two very different people, but no matter which Joey is in charge it’s obvious to Nick that he’s drowning. Joey is up to his eyeballs in obligations; to his family, his teammates, his schoolwork, Joey isn’t really a man who says no when asked, except when it comes to himself. Joey doesn’t have time for relationships or even self care. He’s been hanging on by a thread for so long that he’s about ready to sink under, but Nick is the one person who recognizes this and becomes his life preserver. A shining beacon on a cloudy day that helps him hold on just a bit longer.🥺

Nick is not a hockey player, I know…darn, but he is a football player and a big ol’ cinnamon roll who enjoys a good cinnamon roll 😉 iykyk anyway…he’s sweet, he’s toppy, and he’s so darn perfect I loved everything about him. His attitude about life, his genuine affection for those around him, his basic kindness. Nick is just a good human being and I am truly smitten with Nick. He’s had a good foundation in life, while he has some baggage too, because don’t we all, but overall Nick is the perfect match for Joey.

While Off Sides doesn’t specifically state kinks, these two guys cover a lot of steamy territory. 🔥 For lack of a better definition I’d label Nick as a pleasure dom. He’s very aware of Joey’s triggers from the beginning and he’s extremely sensitive when caring for him. It’s a beautiful dynamic while also intensely hot. 🥵

So while Joey may be in charge regarding his family and the captain for his teammates, when it comes to the bedroom he wants to completely let go. He really likes when Nick takes over as it allows Joey to empty his mind of all his problems. Being a good boy is where his sweet spot is and who could blame him, especially after the last decade he’s been troubled with.🥺

It doesn’t mean their relationship is easy. No, nope, nada. Joey is super skittish and warns Nick multiple times of this fact, but Nick is super patient with him and there again I go back to…I adore Nick. We all need a Nick in our lives. Life would be so much easier with a beautiful friend like him. 💖❤️🥰

So while this started as a short story in an anthology, I’m tickled pink that Andi went back and gave these two more, which in turn gave us more. I’m soooo in love.

Off Sides, an all-new steamy, one night stand to lovers, M/M sports romance from bestselling author Andi Jaxon

Joey and Nick’s story….

The captain of the hockey team has a lot of responsibilities but when it’s just us, all he wants is to be my good boy.

Senior year should have been the same as the previous years: football, hook ups, and homework.
But after the season ended, somehow, Joey Carpenter happened.
He’s weaseled his way under my skin. Into my heart.
The strong, intimidating, hockey player melts so beautifully for me and I’m addicted.
He pretends like he doesn’t need anyone, but I see him.
See what he really needs.
The longing to be cared for is there in his eyes.
I desperately want to give it to him.
If I’m being honest with myself, I need to matter.
I need to save him.
Save him from himself.
Save him from his family.

Will I be able to convince him that he deserves to be loved without conditions or will they leave him ragged and broken?

An mm friends with benefits standalone

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