Book Reviews, Cowboy Romance, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Amnesia by Kelly Elliott w/a Ellie Grace


Publication Date: June 18, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Thriller/Mystery/Small Town/Cowboy Romance

Author: Kelly Elliott w/a Ellie Grace

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


There were so many great nuances that I loved about this book, but first and foremost I was freaking out from the beginning of this book on so many things!! 😮

First, Mallory is from the town of Arcola, Illinois and then I read the restaurant name of where she worked at…I was literally sitting about two miles from this exact restaurant 😵‍💫 So I was freaking out!!!

Second, when I got home and the creepy tension was escalating a giant bird flew and hit my window causing me to have a heart attack. Ok, so that one was not literal, but still I flew out of my skin!!😵

Mallory may have started her story in Illinois, but she ends up in Montana. She doesn’t know how, or why, except that she wakes up in the dark at the hands of a madman. Escaping and running for her life, she finds safety on the ranch of Liam Sanders, but with each new person she meets, the question arises…could this man be her kidnapper?

The mystery of the book is top notch and I loved the slow burn between Liam and Mallory. It was perfectly set against the mounting tension of Mallory’s amnesia story which really kept me guessing on the whodunit side of things.

I’m scared.
When will this nightmare end?

Darkness and cold has tortured me.
I can’t remember anything.

He’s coming.
His footsteps echo like a wrecking ball in my head.

He’s getting closer.

He’s almost here.
I must escape.

He’s here.
Breath tickles my face.

With what little strength I have, I find my way to the sunlight.

Tortured moans become more distant.
Run faster.

I drop with exhaustion.
Did I make it far enough?

I’m being lifted.
Warmth engulfs me.

Please let this be my savior and not my captor.

Amnesia is a stand alone novel.

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