Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance

Review – Nome-o Seeks Juliet by Katy Regnery

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Nome-o Seeks Juliet; Odd Are Good #2 (Series)
by Katy Regnery (Author)

This review is from: November 2, 2019 By Kay Daniels
Heat Level:🔥🔥🔥🔥

I was not prepared for the blubbering, ugly cry that Nome-o Seeks Juliet let me have. The emotional feels Katy brought to life in these characters doesn’t even begin to describe the ups and downs you will take on this journey. It’s a day later and I’m still tearing up over Cody and Juliet. Nome-o Seeks Juliet is a story that is going to crawl inside your heart and live there.

Cody Garrison is a military vet, living in the outskirts of Alaska with his nineteen dogs. He’s been training his dogs for dog sledding and specifically the one coming up is a co-ed race. His main problem, he doesn’t have a co-ed partner to race with. His secondary problems he doesn’t like to talk about. Nome, Alaska is a small town so he places an ad in the Odds Are Good magazine hoping to reach a wider field. With his play on words he was shocked when a woman named Juliet answers. Call it destiny or fate, but watch out Nomeo your life is about to change.

Juliet Sanderson is in her final year of veterinary school. For her fellowship she is supposed to write a study on the relationship between sled dogs and their owners. Her initial contact fell through so when she sees Cody’s ad looking for a sledding partner she responds. Cody may not be a known name the mushing field and she may not exactly have sledding experience, but spending time with him and his dogs learning is better than not submitting a paper at all. Taking destiny by the horns, off to the middle of No-Where-Alaska she goes for the experience that changes her life.

Nome-o Seeks Juliet is such a beautiful story. The human nature of wanting to love and be loved radiates off the pages. Katy Regnery, thank you for the ugly crying and beautiful heartfelt moments. I loved this book more than I can possibly say!

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