Book Reviews, LGBTQA+, New Adult, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Goodbye Note by J.R. Gray

Goodbye Note by J.R. Gray

Goodbye Note

Publication Date: June 5, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Friends to Lovers/ Rockstar / Mental Health Rep / Secret Relationship / Bisexual Awakening Romance

Author: J.R. Gray

 Review Rating: 4.5 Gold Stars


With love and heartbreak that spans decades Goodbye Note is a book that requires lots of tissues.

Varian and Arik meet as young adults first as they are first making it big and breaking out within their own respective music careers. They spend a summer touring with their respective bands and not only do they watch their careers take off, but they developed a deep friendship that neither of these young men have ever had before. It soon extends beyond best friends and rolls into something deeper, eventually crossing a line as their time spent together opens up their feelings and a world of possibilities.

“I want you to kiss me when you feel like kissing me.”
“That’s going to be a lot, star boy.”

Too bad their summer had to end and life had to pop their bubble. This story is a whirlwind of their life that is filled with lots of joy and love, but also pain and heartache. Mental health is talked about quite a bit, as artists are sensitive souls and create from a place of torment. It made for a very angsty read as the book dove deep into their souls until it finally reached the happy ending.

I’m living the dream, playing summer festivals to massive crowds.

My band is on fire, my best friend by my side and we’re on top of the world.

I fell for him in the heat of the summer. I fell for the stars in his eyes.

The way he said my name. I’ll never love anyone the same.

But our story ended when it was just beginning.

Fame gave me more than I could ever imagine, but I’ll forever suffer the cost.

The summer of love and loss would forever be a stain on my heart.

I used to think life didn’t come with second chances or do overs, until we’re reunited for a world tour as dual headliners.

Only he thinks I’m happily married, when in reality, my life is crumbling. My team won’t let me announce my divorce, leaving him to believe I’m happily married.

We gave up on forever and I’d give anything for another shot at love.

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