Book Reviews, Dark Romance, Paranormal/Science Fi/Fantasy Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Cloak of the Vampire by Sapir A. Englard

Cloak of the Vampire; Cloak of the Vampire #1
(#1 within a series)

Publication Date: June 18, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Paranormal/Enemies-to-Lovers/Dark Romance

Author: Sapir A. Englard

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


I love a good twist on an old classic. This was all the things I love about the paranormal vampire world all twisted up with a dark secret society feel. It was fantastic! I loved the tension, the push and pull, and ultimately the vibes of dark secrets that radiated off of multiple characters and even off the environment Aileen lived in. It really made for excellent reading!

Having her choice taken away and being imprinted by a vampire…I’ll just start by saying that Aileen Henderson is angry.  I’ll continue by saying that this her general emotional status throughout the book. 🤣  I don’t blame her, as her life never seemed quite happy, but Aileen is a mystery, even though the majority of the book is told through her point of view. I’m not saying it’s bad, I actually loved that even with all this untapped access into her head, she is still quite mysterious, just like the man who changed her life forever.

Lord Ragnor Rayne is the one person Aileen shouldn’t want, but is implicitly drawn to. In a split second Ragnor changed her life, and Aileen isn’t happy about it. She also can’t seem to help her attraction to the man she really, really wants to stay away from. While everyone else around Aileen is happy to begin a new life as a vampire, Aileen is the quite the opposite. This turnabout is not only unexpected, but made for very interesting reading. Basically the entire world Aileen is brought in to was fascinating and the fact that she wants nothing to do with it made it even more so. Add in that the tension that builds and builds between Ragnor and her, it made things even better. 😍

This is book one and ends on quite a cliffhanger. I was left speechless as I turned the last page so I can’t wait to see what happens next.

From the author of The Millennium Wolves series comes the hauntingly romantic story of a young woman’s descent into a League of vampires, and the Lord who means to keep her there.

Aileen Henderson’s unassuming life conceals a dark past. Outside of work, she hides behind her larger-than-life best friend, Cassidy, whose constant need for attention suits Aileen—and her secrets—just fine.

Until the night Aileen dies.

Awakening to a new world of brutality, bloodlust, and betrayal, Aileen plots revenge against Ragnor Rayne, the monster who cursed her with the Imprint. The demon who turned her into a vampire. The man whose eyes haunt her dreams.

She is going to make this vampire Lord regret the day he kissed her with the curse of immortality and made her his. If she can survive the Auction, and resist temptations of the flesh…

Why you will love this book…
🖤Enemies to Lovers
🔥Dark Romance
🖤Opposites Attract
🔥Forbidden Love
🔥Age Gap
🖤Hidden Identity
🔥Fish Out of Water
🖤Forced Proximity

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

Book Reviews, New Adult, Sports Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Last Boy by Hannah Gray

Last Boy; Puck Boys of Brooks University #7
(#7 within a series)

Publication Date: June 13, 2024

Genre/Tropes: New Adult/Enemies to Lovers/Coming of Age/Sports Romance

Author: Hannah Gray

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


Poppy Wilson…this girl has been here for multiple books and I love a juicy redemption story. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I had tons of anticipation waiting to unwrap what’s behind the cool, hard façade of this girl. Who would have guessed it came down to one name…Walker James. Squuuueeeee!!!! It was sooooo good!!!

Walker and Poppy grew up in the same crappy neighborhood barely surviving the nightmare that was their young childhood. The one saving grace was having each other’s backs until Walker left and left Poppy broken. While her cold exterior could all be blamed on Walker leaving, there is a ton of backstory, that really intertwines both of them in their coming of age stories. I give Poppy a ton of credit for being as put together as she is for everything she actually has been through. So, yes, she really deserved a wonderful happy ending. There is so much behind Poppy’s hard exterior and once you really get to know her it’s no wonder she’s tough as nails. She doesn’t suffer fools, she doesn’t like anyone who takes the easy road, because there hasn’t been an easy road set up for this girl, and her sweet, loving brother is more important to her than anything else in the entire world, so I have mad respect for Poppy.

Walker James first comes into this book hard and a bit jaded. He’s mad at Poppy for even existing, but it quickly changes and the fierce protector that grew up with her emerges. It’s like Walker was living in a cloud for the years he’d moved away and it took seeing Poppy again to awaken him. This Walker is someone to completely fall for!!! I loved how deeply and quickly he fell for his woman. It was fun to see him pull out a side of Poppy, no one really gets to see except him, and the chemistry these two have together is beyond hot!!

This may be the end of the Puck Boys at Brooks University. I know, I’m sad too. But…there are couple new worlds that are branching off from this book and I’m super excited for both of them. I won’t say more, since readers will get to meet and enjoy characters from both worlds as Hannah did a great job introducing and setting us up for what’s coming next. Until then, fall in love with Poppy and Walker. I know I did!!!


I never looked back the day I left Sunset Drive. If I did, I knew that I would never leave the hellhole I had grown to despise, a place I began plotting my escape from as a child. The only difference was that I always thought she’d be by my side on the day I was finally free.

The day I left it all behind was the day my hatred for the entire Wilson family was born. Poppy included. After all, she had lied to the police just to protect her monstrous father after he got my parents killed. From that day forward, I decided she needed to be dead to me. They all did. The only thing that mattered from then on was the one thing that had never let me down. Hockey.

She may haunt me in my dreams during those three years we were apart, but that was nothing compared to now when I’m forced to see her at Brooks University. Slowly, my grip on everything else in my life begins to slip away as she becomes the only thing that matters. And when I find her in an alleyway, battered and bruised from two attackers who vow to return for her…I decide right then that I am going to protect her at all costs.

But protecting her means making a deal with the devil, also known as my rich uncle. A deal that will mean I will never get the chance to spend forever with the only girl I’ve ever loved. Poppy Wilson.

It’s a high price to pay, but when it comes to her safety, I have no limits.

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

Blog Tour - 2024, Cowboy Romance, LGBTQA+, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Burning the Midnight Oil by Ashley James


Rule number one: Don’t fall for my brother in law.

It should be easy, right? 


When I moved in with my sister over summer break, I had no intention of returning to college in the fall. A work trip for her meant a lot of time alone for me with her husband. Boone Stanton. World famous bull rider and way, way off limits. 

A few late night, deep conversations between the two of us, only the midnight sky our witness, and suddenly, I can’t look away. Can’t keep my mind off of him. 

It’s in the way he works around the yard, sweaty and shirtless. The way his eyes soften and he leans into his playful side around his daughter. And it’s in the way he makes me feel seen. The way he’s slowly chipping away at my exterior without even realizing it. 

Then one night I see something I shouldn’t. Something that makes my mouth water and my heart race. Except when he catches me, instead of stopping and reprimanding me, he… keeps going. 

Now, I have the opportunity of a lifetime but it means going on the road with him. It means living in even closer quarters than before. It also means doubling down on keeping my hands to myself and my gaze away from his dark, observing eyes. 

But I’m only human, and it’s only a matter of time before I crack. Before I give in and do something I can’t take back. 

Something that could cost me everything. 

Order Your Copy Here!

Read Kay’s Review: Burning the Midnight Oil

Why you will love this book…

🏔️Brother in law
🩷Professional bull rider
🏔️Single Dad
🩷Small Town
🏔️Age Gap
🩷Forced Proximity
🏔️MM Romance

Meet Ashley James


Ashley James is a romance author who enjoys writing (and reading) LGBTQIA+ books. She is from Washington State—and no, not Seattle—and currently resides in South Carolina with her two kids and hairless kitties, Goose, Maverick, and Houston. 


Ashley is introverted and slightly (okay, majorly) awkward. She refuses to make this section sound like a tacky dating app profile, so she won’t be telling you how much she enjoys music, how she thoroughly enjoys dancing and singing in her kitchen, despite not being able to carry a tune, and she won’t be telling you about her love of toxic and broken fictional men.

To learn more about Ashley and her books, visit here! 

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