Excerpt/Teaser Share, New Releases

New Release – Protect Me

Title: Protect Me
Series: Spotlight Collection #2
Author: Cary Hart
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 21, 2018


Who will you be when no one is watching… when the lights go down?

I don’t know who I am anymore. It’s been so long since I’ve been allowed to think for myself. And now that I can, all I can think about is him. My protector. His massive build which should frighten me but makes me feel safe. And his intense eyes that linger on me when he thinks I’m not looking. But why would he want me? I’m broken.

I vowed never to get close to anyone again. Do the job, get paid and survive. That’s all. Then she’s thrown into my life, needing a place to hide. She thinks she’s damaged, but she just needs someone to show her how strong she really is. Damn if I don’t want to be that man. But I’ve got a past of my own, and no good deed goes unpunished.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40168268-protect-me 

PURCHASE LINKS – $2.99 for a limited time

US: http://1click.bz/ProtectMeAMZNUS
UK: http://1click.bz/ProtectMeAMZNUK
CA: http://1click.bz/ProtectMeAMZNCA
AU: http://1click.bz/ProtectMeAMZNAU

Free in Kindle Unlimited


Protect Me by Cary Hart from Bibliophile Productions on Vimeo.



Shapiro – POV

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Her voice is breathless, and I notice she has icing on one hand and an icing bag in the other.
“I’m hungry for something sweet,” I tell her.
“Well, you’re in luck, because I have a batch almost ready.” She smiles, and it hits me in the gut.
“I’m not hungry for cupcakes.” I stare down at her before bringing her hand to my mouth, licking the icing from her fingers.
“Oh,” she whispers.
“Yeah, oh.” I swirl my tongue up her palm and to her wrist, applying light pressure as she falls into me.
I’ve been patient, but when a tiny moan escapes her lips, my resolve snaps and I lift her into my arms and set her onto the counter with a gentle thud.
“Oh. Cold.” She winces from the stainless on her bare thighs, the icing falling to the ground.
“I can help with that,” I promise her as I bend down to retrieve the bag from the concrete floor.
She watches me as I slowly move to stand between her legs and she opens them wider in invitation.
My palms rest on her knees and slowly trail up and under the hem of her dainty dress. Reaching around under one leg, I drag my finger higher and collect the wayward pink sugar before bringing it to my lips to lick it away.
“I noticed you had a little icing here.”
She arches back, watching me.
“Sometimes, I’m a little messy.” She blushes, and I know this is all new to her. Foreplay. Seduction. The fun that comes from making your lover squirm beneath your hands before you have barely even touched them.
Hands that only touch for pleasure, comfort.
“Messy is good.” I wiggle my fingers, still sticky with pink goo.
She leans forward and takes my fingers in her hand, before bringing them to her own lips.
I see her tongue dart out to taste my skin before I feel it. I grow painfully hard at the sight alone, but when her warm mouth takes my thumb into her mouth, I nearly make a fool of myself.
But I fight to maintain my self-control, to give her this chance to explore. When I’m satisfied she’s ready for more, I pull my hand away and shift upward, taking her lips with my own.
Our mouths meld together—a mix of salty and sweet. Skin and icing. Desire and hope.


#1 Play Me – 99c for a VERY limited time

US: https://amzn.to/2HDHDMU
UK: https://amzn.to/2HAp24g
CA: https://amzn.to/2qwkNyq
AU: https://amzn.to/2JN0aqz

Free in Kindle Unlimited


Cary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!

When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. Soccer mom in all sense of the word to two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband. In addition to writing full time, she enjoys binge watching Netflix, laying around in her hammock and baking up cookies for her family and friends.

Cary writes real, raw romance! In her stories the characters deal with life’s everyday struggles and unwanted drama, they talk about the ugly and they become the broken. Everyone deserves a happy ending, but sometimes before you can appreciate the light, there has to be darkness.

As a child, if someone would have told her she would become a writer, she wouldn’t have believed them. It wasn’t until she got her hands on her first romance novel, that the passion grew. Now, she couldn’t imagine her life any other way – now her dream is her reality.


Website: http://www.authorcaryhart.com
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cffmYX
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorcaryhart
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CarysSweetHarts
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/caryhart
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/authorcaryhart
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/cary-hart
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorcaryhart
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorcaryhart

New Releases

Pre-Order Blitz – Pinned

Pinned: A Down and Dirty Sports Romance (A Cocky Sports Romance Book 1)

Amazon: www.amazon.com/Pinned

When Scottish Athlete, Alexander “Freakshow” McDade travels to the States for the first time in his career, he meets Carrie, a shy, do-gooder with a perfect figure and an annoying way of always being right.

And Alex doesn’t like to be wrong.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that she was now assigned to him from the World Wide Wrestling Federation as his new agent?

They butt heads more than once over his career, and they verbal box better than anyone in the business.

And Alex won’t stop with the flirting.

He won’t stop talking about sex, orgasms, or the thrills that he wants to give her late at night. And he won’t stop speaking in that oh-so-sexy Scottish brogue.

She just has to remind herself that she wasn’t interested in the brand of loving that he had to offer.

Carrie Segal hates wrestlers.

In her experience, they’re arrogant, chauvinistic and childlike. And this particular one seemed to get under her skin more than any before.

Oh, but he was so sexy, and he had abs that she wanted to lick for days. How could anyone that cocky be that damned perfect?

Carrie’s never been much of a fighter, but with Alex, she enjoys the verbal sparring… She couldn’t help but wonder how he’d compare in the bedroom.

How could wrestling in the sheets be a bad thing?

Amazon: www.amazon.com/Pinned

“This hot new sports romance is sure to make anyone swoon…or sweat. What’s not to love? Men in little to no clothing, a Scottish accent, and abs that you want to devour. Kristal McKerrington knows how to write one truly, delicious erotic read.” – Danielle Lee Zwissler, Amazon Bestselling Author of Romance

“How can you not love a cocky, confident and sexy male that’s into being fit? I know I couldn’t resist! Kristal has done the sports romance genre justice with this scintillating read.” Carol Thomas of That Look of Love Romance Review

Cover Reveal, New Releases

Cover Reveal – Divine Hart

Title: Divine Hart
Author: Heather Shere
Genre: New Adult/Second Chance Romance
Cover Design: Rebel Graphics
Photo: Wander Aguiar
Models: Andrew Biernat & Desire Lynn
Release Date: October 19, 2018


Being a poor kid in a rich town was tough. When you’re a skater boy from a dusty trailer park, they see you as nothing more than a desert rat. Despite this, Preston Hart knew what he wanted…she was his world. But could he ever be the man she deserved? He didn’t believe he was worthy. That was his weakness and weaknesses could be exploited. When he was offered the chance to make something of his life, he knew the cost might be too high. But faced with losing everything he held dear, he took the helping hand; however, everything comes at price and Preston paid dearly.

Being a rich girl in a rich town should have been easy. But when you’re the daughter of an influential businessman who traded your silver spoon for his belt buckle, money couldn’t buy happiness, it could only buy the makeup to hide the bruises. Despite this, Skye Divine had found her solace…he was her world. But he abandoned her when she needed him most and without him, she faced a choice: run for her life or stay in the desert and die.

She’d made it this far on her own and while her life might be falling apart, she’d rather be homeless and starving than go back home. But when her luck finally runs out, she may be left with no option.

Then two worlds unexpectedly collide and this time? The tables have turned.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39866683-divine-hart


Heather Shere is a wife of twenty some odd years and wants you to know that you get less for murder. She’s also the mother of two adult shaped kids, who she thinks she messed up just enough to make them highly successful individuals, who are also hilarious.

She has a masters degree in snark and nothing entertains her more than someone who can word battle with her. She considers herself an awesome cook and an expert baker but wants to eat out most days, however nothing is made ‘the right way’ unless she makes it herself.

When she gets bored she likes to tinker with different hobbies like crocheting, scrapbooking, stamping and card making. Her newest and most fulfilling passion is writing and she welcomes you into the deep dark depths of her mind.


Website: http://www.heathershere.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathershere.author
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/heather_shere
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14441074.Heather_Shere
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2iKMP3r
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/heather-shere


There is a giveaway for 2 x $10 Amazon gift cards (2 winners)


Release Day/New Release

New Release – Silver Strings, Velocity #3

♫ Silver Strings, Velocity #3 ♫
by Bella Jeanisse
Genre: Rockstar Romance
Love is the last thing on Bryce Cooper’s mind because survival, sobriety and fatherhood are all that truly matter.
Velocity is going on tour for the first time since Bryce’s trip to rehab. Clawing his way from the depths of hell is harder than the vocalist and rhythm guitarist expects. Between his bandmates’ paranoia, his ex-wife’s insults and temptation everywhere, he’s almost afraid to trust himself.
It seems like an impossible dream to lead a normal life. Every step forward is met with two steps back. However, he has to find a way. His children are counting on him.
Can Bryce stay on the straight and narrow with only his bandmates’ support? Will anything help him discover himself again? What will he do if his heart leads him down a path to disaster? All will be revealed in the third Rock Star Romance of the Velocity series.
Warning: For those 18 and over only. May not be suitable for all readers. Be prepared to laugh, cry, scream and squirm in your chair.
Amazon US Paperback
Amazon UK Paperback
Amazon CA Paperback


Ms. Jeanisse has done it yet again! Bryce’s story is one of coming out of darkness and he is now determined to be a father that his children deserve…
I commend this author for taking on the taboo subjects of addiction, suicide and mental illness. The darkness that follows many was the main storyline and was dealt with without pulling any punches. This was a fantastic story that I hope many will read and take this journey with Velocity’s lead singer.” ~ Doris ~ 5 STARS
“I absolutely loved Bryce’s story. It has a lot of meaning and depth for those suffering with mental illness. This hit home for me. Bella Jeanisse did a fantastic job describing everything Bryce went through”. ~ 5 STARS – Verified Purchase
“All of Ms. Jeanisse’s books take you directly into the world of rock and roll and makes you feel as a voyeur into their lives. I cannot wait to see where the next book in the Silverblade series takes us.” ~ 5 STARS – Verified Purchase
“Every time I start a new book by Bella I wonder if she is going to be able to top the last one. I have read every single book she’s put out and I haven’t found ONE that I don’t like.” 
– 5 STARS Anita
“Bella has once again has shown us her mad writing skills”. ~ 5 STARS – Traci

Rockin’ Rhythm (Velocity Book 1)


Shredding Dreams (Velocity Book 2)

Bella Jeanisse lives for rock music. Addicted to concerts, Avenged Sevenfold, fictional rockers, and blasting music in the car, she can’t get enough. After her father turned her on to Queen, there was no going back. Of course, it didn’t stop there. Playing guitar became a pastime, which didn’t turn into a career… until she started to pen her fantasies and publish them.
Originally from Brooklyn, New York City, she grew up with access to clubs like L’Amour and CBGBs, hung out in Greenwich Village, as well as had plenty of friends in bands. No wonder rockers stayed on her mind. Bringing her ideas to life was a long time coming.
She is now living near Tampa, FL with 3 kids and 2 grandkids, as a single mom. Her family supports her writing even when it seems to take up more time than they feel is necessary. Can’t stop the muse, ya know!
Besides erotic rock star romances, Bella also writes about wild bikers, hot college men and more.
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Follow Words Turn Me On:
Release Day/New Release

New Release – Bunt

Title: Bunt
Series: Minnesota Moose #1
Author: J.C. Thompson
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: September 21, 2018


Zoe Parks learned the hard way that nothing sticks the first time. Everybody is always looking for the next best thing. That’s how Zoe knew minutes before she was supposed to be married that the first engagement was all wrong. If the first engagement isn’t right, how can the first marriage be right, especially if it happens when you’re on what was supposed to be your honeymoon?

Alex Pedroza knows that being the new guy on the team means putting up with whatever the guys dish out. That’s why Alex can’t go home without the wife he thought he was going to have when he returns from the offseason. Can he convince the woman he married while trying to forget the one he didn’t to come home and play the part just until the divorce is final, of course?

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41711033-bunt

PURCHASE LINKS – 99c for a limited time

US: https://amzn.to/2Cf9pA0
UK: https://amzn.to/2oDNwko
CA: https://amzn.to/2CgVb1x
AU: https://amzn.to/2wCJf4k

Free in Kindle Unlimited


J.C. Thompson is a lover of all things books, coffee, and wine related. When she’s not writing she can likely be found curled up with her dogs and a book. J.C. grew up in the Pacific Northwest, recently relocating to Middle Tennessee with her husband, two kids, and small zoo.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjcthompson
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/authorjcthomps1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorjcthompson


There is a giveaway for 2 x $25 Amazon gift cards (2 winners)
