Book Reviews, Dark Romance, Mafia/Gang/Secret Society Romance, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Cruel King of New York by Siobhan Davis

Cruel King of New York; The Accardi Twins #2
(#2 within a duet)

Publication Date: May 31, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Duet/Mafia/Dark/Suspense/Friends-to-Lovers Romance

Author: Siobhan Davis

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


I adored the second half of this duet!! Yes, I was smitten with Joshua Accardi, but I fell head over heels for his twin brother, Caleb. โค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜

Caleb is sooo over the top romantic and cheesy…yes, you read that right!! Caleb is ALL the cheese, bravado and ego, and all the things that made me giggle with how fun his inner thoughts were. Caleb was such a wonderful surprise that I really didn’t want his book to end. ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Now, I don’t want to take away from the intense feelings that Elisa Salerno felt for Caleb for her entire life. She had finally had enough and I totally supported her through her journey. Elisa found her fighting spirit and when she did it brought out Caleb’s inner romantic side. ๐Ÿ˜ Once he took his blinders off that is. It also forced her to grow up which ended up making Caleb work for a woman for the first time ever.

But before we get Caleb’s lovey-dovey side, he’s a messed up sod. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I really couldn’t stop giggling over Caleb’s wicked sense of humor, especially during the darker scenes. He throughly enjoyed helping kick some Irish scum and Italian rats is all I’ll say ๐Ÿ˜‰ and the moments he shares with Gia are both heartfelt and funny. They have already accepted each other as future in-laws, so the ribbing is perfect and usually the kick in the pants he needs.

While no couple has a perfect history as to how they get together, Elisa and Caleb are a wonderful match. Lastly I have to say, the ending to this duet is chef’s ๐Ÿ’‹ perfection!


The boy I grew up loving is now the made man who broke my heart.

I had one primary goal in life: to marry Don Caleb Accardi, give him lots of babies, and live happily ever after.

Until he shattered my fantasy and destroyed my belief in love.

His playboy status isnโ€™t the issue. I learned to live with his womanizing while patiently waiting on the sideline for him to truly notice me.

But he never has. Not the way I want him to.

One promise. Thatโ€™s all I asked of him, and he couldnโ€™t even keep it.

Something inside me dies when I learn the truth, and I reach my breaking point.

This is the last time he hurts me.

Iโ€™m not saving myself for him anymore.

So, I cut him out of my life and begin dating.

Caleb sure doesnโ€™t like that, and a switch has flipped in his brain.

Now, he wants me. And heโ€™s pulling out all the stops to win back my heart.

Too bad itโ€™s too lateโ€”for him and for me.

Because Caleb has powerful enemies who are aware he loves me, and now Iโ€™m fair game.

This is a spin-off interconnected duet set in my Mazzone Mafia world. While you do not need to read the existing books to enjoy The Accardi Twins Duet, it is highly recommended. Each book in the duet features a different twin and his love interest, and the mafia plot carries forward between both books. If you have read the Mazzone Mafia Series, and/or Vengeance of a Mafia Queen, note this book starts two years after the epilogue in VOAMQ. Mazzone Mafia World Reading Order
Condemned to Love
Forbidden to Love
Scared to Love
Vengeance of a Mafia Queen
The Accardi Twins Duet
This is a dark mafia romance, and it contains mature themes and content that is consistent with this genre.

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on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
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or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

2024 New Release/Release Day, LGBTQA+, New Adult, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – So Wrong by Abby Millsaps

So Wrong by Abby Millsaps is live!

Releasing: May 15, 2024

No wrong moves.

Those were the words the first boy I ever loved whispered in my ear on graduation weekend.

Naively, I believed him. Now those three little words feel like a bad omen I canโ€™t escape.

Every move Iโ€™ve made since I returned to South Chapel hurts my ex-boyfriend, Greedy. But itโ€™s for his benefit. Thatโ€™s what I tell myself. Intentionally hurting him is for the best.

It has to be. I said goodbye to the possibility of forever with him the moment my mom and his dad โ€œintroduced usโ€ at their engagement dinner.

Three years have passed, but that doesnโ€™t matter to Greedy. Heโ€™s hell-bent on making sure I remember it all.

On my darkest nights, the memories win. Since his bedroom is just two doors down, heโ€™s the anchor I seek when it all feels like too much.

But now Greedyโ€™s best friend is back in town, and he and I are โ€œdatingโ€ to get his meddling mother off his back. Not only is Levi my new fake boyfriend, but heโ€™s also our new roommate, too.

No wrong moves, Greedy assured me years ago.

What if there are no right moves either?

So Wrong is the first book in the Boys of South Chapel series. It is a steamy second chance why choose romance. A full list of tropes and triggers can be found on the authorโ€™s website.

Download your copy today!


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Meet Abby

Abby Millsaps is an author and storyteller who’s been obsessed with writing romance since middle school. In eighth grade, she failed to qualify for the Power of the Pen State Championships because all her submissions contained the same theme: young people falling in love. #LookAtHerNow

She’s best known for writing unapologetically angsty romance that causes emotional damage for her readers. Abby prides herself in writing authentic characters while weaving mental health, chronic illness, and neurodiverse representation into the fabric of her stories.

Abby met her husband at a house party the summer before her freshman year of college. He had a secret pizza stashed in the trunk of his car that he was saving for a midnight snack–how was she supposed to resist that level of golden retriever energy and preparedness? When Abby isn’t writing, she’s reading, traveling, and raising her three daughters.

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Blog Tour - 2024, Paranormal/Science Fi/Fantasy Romance, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Luscious Bite by Sara Ohlin

Luscious Bite: An Enchanted Mates Romance by Sara Ohlin is now live!

Dr. Nikolav Sarkozy has had centuries to perfect his arrogance, but his cold vampire soul is no match for the beautifully joyful ER doctor, Francesca Banetti.

Cursed never to drink blood or enjoy pleasure from a human again until he finds his mate, Niko has lived an extremely lonely vampire life. When he walks into Mercy General Hospital and meets Francesca, his penance crashes down around him.

Francesca is a healer, but with her haunted past, she keeps her witch status hidden. While she excels at saving lives, she flourishes when infusing her magic into food, doting on her niece and nephew, and teasing Niko, of course.

Niko is everything bleak and miserable. Francesca is laughter, light, and love. He craves her but denies the ancient instinct whispering she belongs to him. But when a sinister demon threatens her and her family, he steps up and vows to protect them. He had no idea she would tear down the chains around his soul.

Seven hundred years is an awfully long time to be alone. Perhaps the time has come to find his enchanted mate.

Talk of death and killing. Past death of parents and grief. Death of patients in hospital, including child. Demon targeting women. Talk of gruesome attacks by demon.

Why you will love this book:

๐Ÿ–คContemporary Paranormal Romance

๐Ÿ–คSteamy Romance

๐Ÿ–คVampire Romance

๐Ÿ–คWitch Romance

๐Ÿ–คTortured Hero

๐Ÿ–คGrumpy Sunshine


๐Ÿ–คFated Mates


๐Ÿ–คFood as an Act of Love

๐Ÿ–คHero with a Dark Past


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About Sara Ohlin

Puget Sound based writer, Sara Ohlin is a mom, wannabe photographer, obsessive reader, ridiculous foodie, and the author of ten romance novels with Totally Bound Publishing.

She has over twenty years of creative non-fiction and memoir writing experience, and you can find her essays at, Feminine Collective, Mothers Always Write, Her View from Home, and in anthologies such as Are We Feeling Better Yet? Women Speak about Healthcare in America, Take Care: Tales, Tips, & Love from Women Caregivers, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Although sheโ€™s the author of many essays about life, grief, motherhood and the connections we make through delicious food and shared meals, Sara loves creating imaginary worlds with tight-knit communities in her romance novels. She credits her mother, Mary, Nora Roberts and Rosamunde Pilcher for her love of romance.

If sheโ€™s not reading or writing, you will most likely find her in the kitchen creating scrumptious meals with her two kids and amazing husband, or perhaps cooking up her next love story.

She once met a person who both โ€œdidnโ€™t read booksโ€ and wasnโ€™t โ€œthat into foodโ€ and it nearly broke her heart.

