Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance

Review – Absolute Pleasure by Erika Wilde

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Absolute Pleasure (#2 in the Dirty Sexy Series)
by Erika Wilde (Author)

This review is from: October 13, 2019 By Kay Daniels
Heat Level:🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

I absolutely loved the modern take on this classic fairy tale. Hunter is the perfect dirty Prince Charming to Elle’s heartbreaking damsel in distress Cinderella. The steamy scenes are hot and the overall storyline is absolute perfection!

Hunter Wilder isn’t exactly Prince Charming, but he does come to Elle’s rescue at a charity ball. When Elle’s stepmother purposely left off her name on the RSVP list and she was about to be turned away, Hunter steps forward and claims her as his date which leads to a night they both wouldn’t soon forget. Hunter doesn’t normally do long term relationships, but Elle makes him forget every reason why he shuts people out.

However, Elle didn’t have time for a relationship in her life so the morning after she quickly flees Hunter’s apartment, abandoning one of her shoes behind. Hunter isn’t about to let Elle off the hook quite so easily, but he does have his work cut out for him in tracking her down. You see, Elle wasn’t on the guest list, nor had they exchanged last names the night before and it just so happens that Elle hadn’t even her given full first name.

Can Prince Charming find his Cinderella again? Or will Ella’s wicked stepmother win in this twisted tale?

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Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance

Review – The Rest of Me by Ashley Munoz

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The Rest of Me (Standalone)
by Ashley Munoz (Author)

This review is from: October 13, 2019 By Kay Daniels
Heat Level:🔥🔥

Two broken souls, correction six broken hearts who need healing. This book is more than just a love story. It’s about a family who lost a father and husband and a man who lost everything. These six struggling people need each other more than they realize. When they eventually meet and connect through each of their own individual ways it’s a very touching story.

Layla moves with her four children to Wyoming after her husband passes away. Partly to be closer to her sister, but also to move away from the memories that haunted her and her children on a daily basis. What she didn’t know when she moved into her current home is how closely it connected to her neighbors home, but also how intricate he would be in mending her and her children’s lives.

Reid is a horse instructor, one that his new neighbor and her four kids obviously need. It doesn’t take long for Layla to realize she needs help, but initially it’s only to spend time with her children teaching them about horse care and how to ride, but as time goes along what he desires is more time with her. She is someone he has no right to want, but he is drawn to her like he hasn’t been drawn to anyone in a very long time. Given his past, he should stay away, but he loves her kids and it doesn’t take long until he comes to care their mother too.

This book isn’t your typical fluffy fairytale romance. It’s real and emotional with lots of ups and downs. There are moments that made me want to scream at Layla for not having those fluffy in your hearts eyes feelings. She is guilt ridden for feeling anything for someone else beyond her dead husband when I felt she should be falling head over heels for the sexy man sitting right next to her and yet in reality this is a very real situation. Layla had four living proofs of her dead husband looking at her, counting on her, and reminding her everyday that he was gone. I honestly couldn’t imagine what that is like, but Ashley does a great job writing about it.

On the flip side Reid is patient and kind and one of those men you fall very easily for. He is so patient waiting for Layla that at times you forgot about him and his backstory. What was so bad that had him hiding back in Wyoming? What is his secret? All I’m going to say is, I did not see it coming.

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance

At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance