Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance

Review – The Play Maker by L.M. Carr

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The Play Maker; The Sideline Series #1 (Series)
by L.M. Carr (Author)

This review is from: October 28, 2019 By Kay Daniels
Heat Level:🔥🔥🔥

Julian “J-Mack” MacIntyre is known as the Play Maker, but after a devastating injury left him sidelined, he is now making a comeback as one of the youngest NFL coaches. Years ago he left Addison “AJ” Hamilton to chase his dreams, but now he’s back in town and wants to have everything; his career and the girl. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Addison “AJ” Hamilton works in a man’s world as one of the top sports reporters. She loves her job, but she knows the pitfalls of being a woman in her field. When the interview comes down the pipeline that makes her rethink everything she’s worked hard for, interview the new NFL coach J-Mack, because the ratings will go through the roof, she isn’t sure she can do it.

After ten years, their chemistry hasn’t faded. It isn’t long before they reconnect, but can they last. Julian left her once, what’s to say he won’t leave her again? Can they really make this work? They both have skeletons in their closet, but who’s to say they won’t come out at some time to haunt them both?

While I liked the premise of The Play Maker, I didn’t love it. There were certain aspects of the story where I felt cheated as a reader and honestly I didn’t like how they both left a relationship and jumped into a new one the very next day. For all the years they were apart and the emotional toil it took on them it just felt emotionally cold when it came to their actions and how they treated others. So perhaps it could be chalked up to my personal preference, but something didn’t connect with me. This story may connect with you, this is just my opinion.

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