Kay's Review
Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, Year of Reviews - 2020

Review – The Two Of Us by Kennedy Fox

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The Two Of Us; Love In Isolation #1 
(A standalone within a series)

by: Kennedy Fox

Review Rating:



Absolute perfection!! Kennedy Fox captured the current world events magnificently and brought love where there is tragedy. This is a story about love at a time where there has been so much loss and it is pure perfection.

No matter how you have been hit with the global pandemic, The Two Of Us will touch you on some emotional level. This is an epidemic that everyone has been going through together. Whether you are essential, non-essential, working from home, working right in the hot zones, trying to shop for toilet paper, teaching your children math, you or a family member has been sick either from COVID-19 or any other illness and needed medical attention or just to quarantine from your loved ones, the list goes on and on as to what we all have faced as a nation or throughout the world. Nothing about the last few months has been easy for anyone.  The Two Of Us will touch of something that falls within a pandemic crisis category, but know that Kennedy Fox did it in beautifully touching way.

Eli and Cami pull you into this quarantine, which we have all been experiencing in one way or another, and even with the monotony of our days that feel like a week has dragged on for a month (don’t worry the characters feel it too) we also know that this pandemic has changed us in some way or another (again, the characters also realize this, aside from just the love aspect and I love seeing growth in any character I read).

Kennedy Fox not only wrote an adorable enemies-to-lovers romance, but they also hit beautifully and tactifully on so many points of this global crisis. I was riveted the entire way through and couldn’t put the story down once I started.

Do yourself a favor and pick up Eli and Cami’s story when it releases, you will love falling in love right along with them and perhaps feel a bit more comforted that there are people out there just like yourself who feel everything you have been feeling during this pandemic.


What do you do when the entire nation is on lockdown?

If you’re an heiress to a billion-dollar fashion company, then you quarantine in a glamorous cabin and finish your final semester of NYU online. The best way to focus on her upcoming valedictorian honor is away from her family, classmates, and the paparazzi. Cameron St. James is ready to get out of the big city and head Upstate for seclusion, despite her parents’ pleas to stay home.

What do you do when a pandemic is sweeping the world?

If you’re barely making ends meet, then you isolate yourself in your best friend’s mountain cabin with breathtaking views and no neighbors for miles. It’s the perfect safe place away from three roommates who don’t take the life-threatening epidemic seriously. Elijah Ross is ready to work remotely and focus on his next big promotion, assuming he’ll still have a job after this.

What happens when things don’t go as planned, and you’re stuck with the one person you dislike the most?

You improvise and do whatever it takes to avoid each other, though it proves to be impossible. The cold evenings alone turn into movie and popcorn nights together by the fireplace. Days turn into weeks, and eventually, more than just a friendship blossoms. As the unknown haunts them, they lean on one another for comfort—until someone pops their safety bubble and threatens everything.

The Two of Us is an enemies to lovers, brother’s best friend standalone romance set in the current affairs of history in the making. Though the character’s storyline is fiction, the virus is very real, and we’ve made sure to be sensitive on this topic.

#Preorder today!
Amazon Worldwide → https://bit.ly/39opJty
Apple Books → https://apple.co/2wJ02H1
Kobo → https://bit.ly/2y50Beq
B&N → https://bit.ly/2wQtgnn
Google Play → https://bit.ly/2JiVnhz

Add the LOVE IN ISOLATION series to your TBR ► https://bit.ly/2QL4hIH

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Blog Tour - 2020, New Adult, New Releases, Year of Reviews - 2020

Blog Tour – Like You Care by Kaydence Snow


Like You Care by Kaydence Snow is LIVE and FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

“Gripping is an understatement when it comes to this book. From start to finish this book is an emotional roller coaster that keeps you captivated. I ugly cried, I raged, I cheered so freaking hard for both Mena and Turner it’s not even funny.” ~Red Hatter Book Blog 

I am nothing.


I’d rather be invisible than deal with what happens on the days my classmates decide to acknowledge my existence.

But then Turner Hall shows up – all cool confidence and witty banter – and all of a sudden I don’t want to be invisible any more. I want to be seen.

I want him to see me.

I’m not who he thinks I am but I’m starting to suspect he’s not all he says he is either.

Just my luck that he starts to make friends with my tormentors. How am I supposed to tell him who I really am? How am I supposed to show him my true face? What if the boy I’m falling in love with decides I’m nothing too?


Amazon: https://geni.us/likeyoucare

Goodreads: bit.ly/LYC-GR

ReviewRead Kay’s Review: Like You Care

The author is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card on her Facebook author page. Stop by to enter! https://www.facebook.com/KaydenceSnowAuthor/


Kaydence Snow has lived all over the world but ended up settled in Melbourne, Australia. She lives near the beach with her husband and a beagle that has about as much attitude as her human.

She draws inspiration from her own overthinking, sometimes frightening imagination, and everything that makes life interesting – complicated relationships, unexpected twists, new experiences and good food and coffee. Life is not worth living without good food and coffee!

She believes sarcasm is the highest form of wit and has the vocabulary of a highly educated, well-read sailor. When she’s not writing, thinking about writing, planning when she can write next, or reading other people’s writing, she loves to travel and learn new things.


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