Excerpt/Teaser Share, New Releases

First Look – QUEEN MOVE by Kennedy Ryan

“Combining sweet nostalgia with the important issues Kennedy never shies away from, Queen Move is nothing less than wonderful. I couldn’t put it down and never wanted it to end!”

— Alexa Martin, Author of Intercepted

Queen Move, an all-new powerful second chance standalone from Wall Street Journal bestselling and RITA® Award-winning author Kennedy Ryan, is coming May 26th and we have your FIRST LOOK!

Queen Move_FNL_sized copy

Make sure to enter on Kennedy’s site to win a QUEEN BOX, stuffed with a signed paperback and all the things you’ll need to treat yourself like a queen!



Two Years Before Present


Is there anything sadder than a daddy’s girl at her father’s funeral?

My mother’s quiet sniffs a few seats down give me the answer.

A grieving widow.

“He was a good man,” someone in the long line of mourners offering condolences whispers to her.

Mama’s head bobs with a tearful nod. In this day and age, she still wears a pillbox hat and veil. It’s black and chic like Mama, channeling tragic Jackie Kennedy or Coretta Scott King. My father was not just a good man. He was a great man, and everyone should know he leaves behind a widow, grieving deeply, but ever-fly. I squeeze the funeral program between my fingers, glaring at the printed words.

Joseph Allen leaves behind a wife, Janetta, three children, Kayla, Keith and Kimba, and six grandchildren.

He leaves behind.

Daddy’s gone, and I don’t know how to live in a world my father does not inhabit. The casket is draped with sweet-smelling flowers in the center of the funeral tent. When we leave the cemetery, it…he will be lowered into the ground with unfathomable finality, separated from us by white satin lining, six feet of dirt and eternity.

Kayla, my older sister, sobs softly at the end of our family’s row. Her four children watch her carefully, probably unused to seeing their unshakeable mother shaken and reduced to tears. Even I’d forgotten how she looks when she cries—like she’s mad at the wetness streaking her cheeks, resentful of any sign of weakness.

It’s not weak to cry, Daddy used to say. It’s human.

“But doesn’t the Bible say even the rocks will cry out?” I’d challenged him when I was young, loving that something from Sunday school took. “So maybe tears aren’t just for humans.”

“You’re getting too smart for your britches, little girl,” he’d said, but the deep affection in his eyes when he kissed me told me he was pleased. He liked that I asked questions and taught me to never accept bullshit at face value.

I miss you, Daddy.

Not even a week since his heart attack, and I already miss him so much.

Humanity blurs my vision, wet and hot and stinging my eyes. I want this to be over. The flowers, the well-dressed mourners, the news cameras stationed at a distance they probably deem respectful. I just want to go to the house where my parents raised us, retreat to Daddy’s study and find the stash of cigars that only he and I knew about.

Don’t tell your mother, he used to whisper conspiratorially. This will be our little secret.

Mama hated the smell of cigars in the house.


Who would call me by that name? Now, when the only people who use it, my family, are all preoccupied with their own pain? A tall man stands in front of me, his thick, dark brows bunched with sympathy. I don’t know him. I would remember a man like this, who stands strong like an oak tree. A well-tailored suit molds his powerful shoulders. Dark brown, not quite black, hair is cut ruthlessly short, but hints at waves if given the chance to grow. His prominent nose makes itself known above the full, finely sculpted lips below. His eyes are shockingly vivid—so deep a blue they’re almost the color of African violets against skin like bronze bathed in sunlight. No, a man like him you’d never forget. Something niggles at my memory, tugs at my senses. I’d never forget a man who looked like this, a man with eyes like that…but what about a boy?

“Ezra?” I croak, disbelief and uncertainty mingling in the name I haven’t uttered in years.

It can’t be.

But it is.


Keep Going!

Read the REST of the prologue and enter the QUEEN BOX giveaway on Kennedy’s website:→ https://bit.ly/35U65FL

**QUEEN MOVE will have the special pre-order and release week price of $3.99. After that, the price will increase.**


Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2V4HLvZ

Apple Books: https://apple.co/2JGiqD7

Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/queenmove

Nook: https://bit.ly/2UIueeE

Kobo: https://bit.ly/2JFJ7YM

Google Play: https://bit.ly/2yrPZ9E

Add QUEEN MOVE to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3apG1E1

Be notified FIRST when Queen Move is live: http://bit.ly/2oRuDhf


The boy who always felt like mine is now the man I can’t have…

Dig a little and you’ll find photos of me in the bathtub with Ezra Stern.

Get your mind out of the gutter. We were six months old.

Pry and one of us might confess we saved our first kiss for each other.

The most clumsy, wet, sloppy . . . spectacular thirty seconds of my adolescence.

Get into our business and you’ll see two families, closer than blood, torn apart in an instant.

Twenty years later, my “awkward duckling” best friend from childhood,

the boy no one noticed, is a man no one can ignore.

Finer. Fiercer. Smarter.


Tell me it’s wrong.

Tell me the boy who always felt like mine is now the man I can’t have.

When we find each other again, everything stands in our way–secrets, lies, promises.

But we didn’t come this far to give up now.

And I know just the move to make if I want to make him mine.

KR W Bckg VertiAbout Kennedy Ryan

A RITA® Award Winner, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author, Kennedy Ryan writes for women from all walks of life, empowering them and placing them firmly at the center of each story and in charge of their own destinies. Her heroes respect, cherish and lose their minds for the women who capture their hearts.

Kennedy and her writings have been featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul, USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, Glamour and many others. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but has a special passion for raising Autism awareness.The co-founder of LIFT 4 Autism, an annual charitable book auction, she has appeared on Headline News, The Montel Williams Show, NPR and other media outlets as an advocate for ASD families. She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son.

Connect with Kennedy

Instagram: http://bit.ly/2TaYiAi

Facebook: http://bit.ly/2GUq0uF

Facebook Reader Group: http://bit.ly/2GY6eyb

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2Fvhqiz

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2NE0cU0

Book+Main: http://bit.ly/2GVByO7

Website: http://kennedyryanwrites.com

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New Release Alerts: Text Kennedy Ryan 797979

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Blue Box Press


Release Day/New Release, Year in Releases - 2020

New Release – Unpredictable by Cala Riley

Title: Unpredictable
Series: Brighton Academy #2
Author: Cala Riley
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: May 14, 2020
Since the moment that line was crossed, I knew things had changed forever.
I was no longer just one of the guys.
I was now something to be desired.
Too bad he never promised me forever.
Now with my future bleak and my life uncertain, can I pick up the shattered pieces of my life and make it good again?
Or am I destined to chase after the ghost of my past forever?

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52505971-unpredictable

PURCHASE LINKS – 99c for a limited time!

US: https://amzn.to/2L4GXmh
UK: https://amzn.to/2A8ogvF
CA: https://amzn.to/35DXlU9
AU: https://amzn.to/3b9IB0w

Free in Kindle Unlimited


“Why do you deny this, Victoria” Sterling demands while biting and kissing his way down my neck.
“Deny what?” I sneer.
“That you want me. I feel how wet I make you.”
“Is it really you though?”


#1 Unbidden

US: https://amzn.to/3aD00Ph
UK: https://amzn.to/2PYSfeH
CA: https://amzn.to/2vIOGT3
AU: https://amzn.to/2TySwai

Free in Kindle Unlimited


#3 Undeniably – Releasing June 10

US: https://amzn.to/3dq2YrL
UK: https://amzn.to/3dvjd73
CA: https://amzn.to/2YEfrE5
AU: https://amzn.to/2LkRWYZ


Cala Riley, better known as Cala and Riley, are a pair of friends with a deep seated love of books and writing. Both Cala and Riley are happily married and each have children, Cala with the four-legged kind while Riley has a mixture of both two-legged and four. While they live apart, that does not affect their connection. They are the true definition of family. What started as an idea that quickly turned into a full-length book and a bond that will never end.


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CalaRiley
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/author.cala.riley
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/cala-riley


There is a giveaway for a $20 Amazon gift card


Release Day/New Release, Year in Releases - 2020

New Release – Bachelor Beast by Grace Goodwin

Title: Bachelor Beast
Series: Interstellar Brides Program: The Beasts #1
Author: Grace Goodwin
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Release Date: May 14, 2020

Warlord Wulf thought nothing could be worse than being tortured and contaminated by the Hive. That was before he’s ordered to transport to Earth and represent The Colony in an unfamiliar horror… a human reality show. The Bachelor Beast is the hottest new program on Earth, but being set up with two dozen clingy females is not his idea of a good time. When his Beast refuses to show the slightest interest in any of the show’s potential mates, he knows he must choose one or die due to his raging mating fever.

His Beast prefers execution to claiming anyone but his true mate. Wulf is resigned to his fate, a one-way trip to Atlan, a prison cell and execution. It is the only honorable thing left to do.

Until one glance, one sweet, feminine scent lingering in the air and his beast rages for a female who is not supposed to be his.

But try telling that to his Beast when his entire body transforms on live television and one simple word thunders from his lips…MINE.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53238426-bachelor-beast


US: http://1click.bz/BachelorBeastAMZNUS
UK: http://1click.bz/BachelorBeastAMZNUK
CA: http://1click.bz/BachelorBeastAMZNCA
AU: http://1click.bz/BachelorBeastAMZNAU
B&N: https://bit.ly/3bjqyF9
Kobo: https://bit.ly/2WEZR8w
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2WjIJ9q
Google Play: https://bit.ly/2YPO1Lm


Grace Goodwin is a USA Today and international bestselling author of Sci-Fi and Paranormal romance with nearly one million books sold. Grace’s titles are available worldwide in multiple languages in ebook, print and audio formats. Two best friends, one left-brained, the other right-brained, make up the award-winning writing duo that is Grace Goodwin. They are both mothers, escape room enthusiasts, avid readers and intrepid defenders of their preferred beverages. (There may or may not be an ongoing tea vs. coffee war occurring during their daily communications.) Grace loves to hear from readers.


Website: http://gracegoodwin.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracegoodwinauthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/luvgracegoodwin
FREE Book: http://ascensionsaga.com

Contemporary Romance, New Adult, Release Day/New Release, Year in Releases - 2020, Year of Reviews - 2020

New Release – Collided by Lauren Asher


Fast cars. Sexy racer. Witty banter. COLLIDED (Dirty Air Series Standalone Book 2) by Lauren Asher is LIVE! #One-click today!

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My job is to secure a Formula 1 contract deal while avoiding bad press. I didn’t foresee Sophie Mitchell threatening my plans, tempting me to corrupt her, one naughty bucket list item at a time. For her reputation and mine, I should stay away, but I can’t deny the pull I have toward her. What happens when our teasing turns into more? Sophie started a game she can’t win, and damn if my victory won’t be the sweetest one yet.


Creating a naughty bucket list gains Liam Zander’s attention, solidifying a destined-for-failure friendship. He draws me in with his seductive promises, hidden persona, and unattainable heart. I broke my biggest rule, unwillingly adding a new item to my list while shattering my heart—and our friendship—in the process. Our love story isn’t written in the stars. How can it be when Liam is a black hole, sucking me in and leaving nothing behind?


🏎Add Collided to your TBR: http://bit.ly/CollidedGoodreads

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🔹Amazon Universal link: https://bit.ly/CollidedAmazon 🔹

Read Throttled, (Dirty Air Series Standalone Book 1): http://bit.ly/ThrottledAmazon

ReviewRead Kay’s Review: Collided



To celebrate the release of Collided, Lauren Asher is giving away a $25 Amazon gift card. Head to her Facebook page to enter: https://www.facebook.com/laurenasherauthor/



Self-diagnosed with an overactive imagination, Lauren spends her free time reading and writing. Her dream is to travel to all the places she writes about. She enjoys writing about flawed yet relatable characters you can’t help loving. She likes sharing fast-paced stories with angst, steam, and the emotional spectrum.

Her extra-curricular activities include watching YouTube, binging old episodes of Parks and Rec, and searching Yelp for new restaurants before choosing her trusted favorite. She works best after her morning coffee and will never deny a nap.


Website: https://laurenasher.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurenasherauthor/

Facebook Reader Group: http://tiny.cc/BandiniBabes

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LAsherAuthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laurenasherauthor/

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Release Day/New Release, Year in Releases - 2020

New Release – Last and Forever by Rebecca Brooke

Title: Last and Forever
Series: The Forever Duet #2
Author: Rebecca Brooke
Genre: Women’s Fiction/Romance
Release Date: May 14, 2020

Aiden Cormack had the perfect life. Then everything changed. With no desire to pick up his guitar again, he leaves his band without a singer. In the end, he decides to head back to his hometown to live a life out of the spotlight, where he spends each night trying to drink away the nightmares.

After another emergency that threatens to break Aiden beyond repair, he runs into an old childhood friend. Lexi does her best to remind him that he still has a lot of life to live. But is it too late?

Aiden doesn’t think he can go back to the man he was, but maybe he can merge the pieces that are left with the ones everyone else sees and become the man he wants to be.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51976454-last-and-forever

PURCHASE LINKS – $2.99 for a limited time!

US: https://amzn.to/2zupDUU
UK: https://amzn.to/2SQJIfe
CA: https://amzn.to/2LhZeMY
AU:  https://amzn.to/2yILb0e

Free in Kindle Unlimited


#1 First and Always

US: https://amzn.to/2WCqef8
UK: https://amzn.to/2SHg2Rq
CA: https://amzn.to/2YIEPZs
AU: https://amzn.to/2zkXLm5

Free in Kindle Unlimited


Rebecca Brooke is the author of the Jaded Ivory and Traded Series. She grew up in the shore towns of South Jersey. She loves to hit the beach, but always with her Kindle on hand. She is married to the most wonderful man who puts up with all her craziness. Together they have two beautiful children who keep her on her toes. When she isn’t writing or reading (which is very rarely) she loves to bake and binge watch Netflix.


Website: http://www.rebeccabrooke.com
Newsletter: http://www.subscribepage.com/RebeccaBrooke
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RebeccaBrookeAuthor
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/620033751383664
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RebeccaBrooke6
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccabrooke6

Cover Reveal, New Adult, New Releases

Cover Reveal – Little Hoodlum by K Webster

Little Hoodlum

Hood River Hoodlums, Book 2
by K Webster
Publication Date: May 28, 2020
Genres: High School Bully Romance

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple Books | Eden Books

From USA Today bestselling author K Webster comes a forbidden best friend’s little sister romance called Little Hoodlum!

There are few people in this world I thought I could count on.
My brother. My two best friends. And him.
Jordy Martinez.

Problem is, Jordy thought protecting me was his sole mission in life.
He gave up everything for me and my brother, including his freedom.

Losing him left me hollow and empty.
But after three long years, I’ve learned to live without him.

Until I get mixed up with a guy who has dangerous connections in Hood River and everything begins to crash down around me just in time for my senior year of high school.

Possessive boyfriend with a penchant for violence.
Best friend turned enemy.
Fights with my big brother.

Everything’s a mess and I’m not sure there’s any fixing it.
I might just need that bully ex-convict who’ll do anything—again—to keep me safe.

All I want is peace, happiness, and love.
And I won’t go down without a fight in order to get it.
I’m a Hoodlum after all.

They call me Little Hoodlum, but I’m not so little anymore…

This is a full-length high school friends-to-lovers, forbidden, and new adult romance with high angst, suspense, and gutting emotion. It’s book two in the Hood River Hoodlum series that will have interlinking storylines. Little Hoodlum shouldn’t be read as a standalone and is the continuation of a four-book planned series that gives each Hoodlum a book. The first book in the series is the only MM story. The others, including this one, are MF.

Also in the Series

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple Books | Eden Books

About K. Webster

K Webster is a USA Today Bestselling author. Her titles have claimed many bestseller tags in numerous categories, are translated in multiple languages, and have been adapted into audiobooks. She lives in “Tornado Alley” with her husband, two children, and her baby dog named Blue. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and researching aliens.

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Contemporary Romance, Cover Reveal, New Releases

Cover Reveal – Not My Romeo by Ilsa Madden-Mills

NMR - CR banner

“Rife with uproarious moments and banter that sings, this scorching contemporary will captivate Madden-Mills’s fans.” —Publishers Weekly

Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ilsa Madden-Mills delivers a smart and sexy contemporary romance about a smoking-hot professional football player and the small-town girl he can’t resist. Not my Romeo is coming August 18th and we have the incredibly hot cover!

Madden-Mills - Not My Romeo - 29324 -CV-FT-V

We start off with a lie on Valentine’s Day.

My blind date isn’t the studious guy I expected: he’s a drop-dead gorgeous player with sinful amber eyes. Somehow we end up at his penthouse. I blame the gin and tonic.

The next day I learn he’s Jack Hawke—bad-boy professional quarterback with a murky past. The NDA he has me sign should be a warning that he isn’t a regular person. Please. I sign it Juliet Capulet, so goodbye, famous football player with abs of steel, and good luck tracking down this small-town librarian.

But Jack keeps showing up in places I least expect him. Just when I’m sure he’s gone, he waltzes into my community theater and wins the part of Romeo to my Juliet. How’s a plain, mostly innocent girl like me supposed to resist a man like him?

Is Jack my real Romeo…or will this gorgeous football player only break my heart?


Pre-order your copy today exclusively on Amazon!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2ztiNzh
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/notmyromeo

Add NOT MY ROMEO to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2zmDX1O

Cover Designer: Hang Le
Photographer: Daniel Jaems
Model: William F. Goodge

Ilsa head shot-2About Ilsa Madden-Mills

Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Ilsa Madden-Mills is best known for her angsty new adult romances and romantic comedies.

Eight of her eleven novels have placed in the Amazon Top 10 Best-seller List: Dirty English #1; Fake Fiancée and I Dare You #2; I Bet You, Filthy English, and Very Bad Things #6; Boyfriend Bargain #8; The Last Guy, her collaboration with Tia Louise, #4.

A former high school English teacher, she adores all things Pride and Prejudice, and of course, Mr. Darcy is her ultimate hero.

She’s addicted to frothy coffee beverages, cheesy magnets, and any book featuring unicorns and sword-wielding females. Feel free to stalk her online.

Connect with Ilsa

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nY2pxT

Instagram: http://bit.ly/35xfNfo

Stay up to day with Ilsa by joining her mailing list: http://bit.ly/2ZWaTYh

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2EESfM9

Bookbub: http://bit.ly/2GaR6cn

Book+Main: http://bit.ly/2s4j9ci

Website: https://www.ilsamaddenmills.com

Join her Unicorn Girls Group on FB, the best way to keep up: http://bit.ly/37B6Nay

Sign up for phone alert for book releases (max of 4) Text ROMANCE to 21000

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Kay's Review
Book Reviews, New Adult, Year of Reviews - 2020

Review – Black Knight by Rina Kent

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Black Knight; Royal Elite #4 
(A standalone within a series)

by: Rina Kent

Review Rating:



Black Knight is raw, powerful, and kept me riveted to every page late into the night. Rina Kent wrote a beautifully twisted story with a broken anti-hero and a wrecked heroine. Oh, it’s a gorgeous bumpy ride that touched me personally.

This was my first Rina Kent book, but I can say for a certainty that it will not be my last. I had no trouble jumping right into Black Knight as it can be read as a standalone, but catching up and reading more is something I’m definitely looking forward to.

In Black Knight Kimberly deals with a lot of emotional issues, most of which she deals with alone with no one the wiser. Not only does she have eating disorders, she suffers from mental ones as well, like depression and cutting to name a few. She is in pain and looking for a way to fill the void that lives within her chest. It’s not a recent ache, but one that began basically from birth. She has a loving, but absent father leaving her with a mother that not only ignores her, but also emotionally abuses her. This void in her soul only grows bigger by being bullied at school, especially by those students who were her friends as young children. It’s easy to feel low and believe the bad things about yourself when you don’t have anyone in your corner to help feed you positivity. People who should care about you, be by your side, at least give you some spark of belonging. The darkness is very easy to succumb to when there is no one to shine some light.

While this book comes with a warning about triggers, as Kim feels alone and expresses herself in a very dark way, Rina Kent touched on multiple subjects in a way unlike any I’ve read before. Ways that I have been unable to verbally express in the past and it was therapeutic for me to mentally unpackage some old baggage and share them with a fictional character, but heed Rina’s warnings if this subject is not for you.

Xander used to be Kim’s friend, until they had a giant falling out, now he can barely stand the sight of her. Like a cat with a mouse, he toys with her…acting like he cares, but then not letting it show…dragging her emotions through the wringer. He becomes a master at toying with her, or is he? You see, Xander and Kimberly were best friends for years and there is no one better to really see through the mask she wears for everyone else, but he sees below the facade, but should he care? He too carries his own burdens and his Knight’s armor is dinged and rusty, so what happened and why did he fall from grace?

Xander and Kim’s world will rock you! Seriously the emotional angst is high. There were times that this story was very personal for me, which may be why I had to keep turning the pages, I had to know what happens between these two!! Thank you Rina for writing this emotional, personal book!


Love is impossible. Hate is an open game.

He was once my best friend, now he’s my worst enemy.
Xander Knight is heartbreakingly beautiful.
Ridiculously popular.
Brutally cruel.
He’s a knight but won’t do any saving.

We started as a dream, now we’re a nightmare.
Kimberly Reed is pathetically fake.
Terribly innocent.
Secretly black.
She can hide but never from me.

Black Knight is part of Royal Elite Series, but could be read on its own. For better understanding of the world, you might want to read the previous books first. This is a high school bully romance, mature new adult, and contains visceral mental health situations that some readers can find triggering.

Now on Pre-Order

AMAZON US ➜ https://amzn.to/37YIGm4
AMAZON UK ➜ https://amzn.to/2xDwIBT
INTERNATIONAL ➜ https://smarturl.it/BKBuy

This book is a standalone, but for better understanding of Royal Elite’s world, it’s advised to read the previous books in the series first.

Royal Elite Series:
#1 Deviant King
#2 Steel Princess
#3 Twisted Kingdom
#4 Black Knight
#5 Vicious Prince (coming)
#6 Ruthless Empire (coming)

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance

At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance