Book Reviews, Dark Romance, Mafia/Gang/Secret Society Romance, New Adult, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Reviews - 2022

Review – Vicious Lies by Rachel Leigh

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Vicious Lies; Bastards of Boulder Cove #2
(#2 within a series)

Publication Date: September 30, 2022

Genre/Tropes: New Adult/Antihero/Dark/Reverse Harem/Secret Society/Bully Romance

Author: Rachel Leigh

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


Things are heating up and getting more twisted as the plot thickens. It’s delicious and suspenseful and you won’t be able to put it down.

While there have always been intense feelings between Jagger, Crew, Scar and Neo, whether it was anger, hate or something else now that Crew and Scar have become an official couple Jagger is wondering if he should have made his feelings known sooner.

Vicious Lies dives deeper into the past relationship between Jagger and Scar as well as how he could potentially fit with Crew and her now. He isn’t there to mess up what they have, but he also isn’t willing to walk away from what he feels for her, what he’s always felt for her.

I love Jagger and how he handles his friendships along with his feelings for Scar. She too doesn’t back down with the intense emotions she’s feeling for both guys and stirring deep inside, and I mean deep down inside is something else for the third guy in residence, Neo. Mostly it’s hate, but you know right there next to hate…well, we’ll just have to see.

For Scar, there is a really nice balance between a sweet and loving Crew, a spicy and protective Jagger and I can just picture a total Dom of an alphahole in Neo, but I’m totally here and ready to find out.

Plus…the mystery of who is stalking Scar and wanting to bring everyone down, I can’t wait to find out how it all ends.


At Boulder Cove Academy, three things are certain:

The Lawless Rule.
The games are dangerous.
Nothing is as it seems.

I came here expecting to face my bullies with an iron fist.

I played their games and won.

Now that I’ve earned my place, at the academy and in their home, I should have nothing to fear.

But with every past there is a shadow and mine is drawing closer with each step I take.

I thought The Lawless were the ones I should fear, but someone far more vicious is watching.

The games should be over, but it seems they’ve only just begun.

The Bastards of Boulder Cove series must be read in order:
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