Book Reviews, Dark Romance, Mafia/Gang/Secret Society Romance, New Adult, Year of Reviews - 2022

Review – God of Pain by Rina Kent

God of Pain; Legacy of Gods #2
(Standalone within a series)

Publication Date: September 15, 2022

Genre/Tropes: New Adult/Dark/Anti-hero/Mafia Romance

Author: Rina Kent

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


Take my breath away – stupendous reading!! Every single time Rina writes a book I’m blown away!! Her crafted writing and flushed out characters continually slay me.

From the quiet and aloof Creighton King we were previously introduced to, I fell in love with the multitude of brilliance and depth that fascinated me not only in his singular focus of topics or subjects, but also in his awareness of everything or everyone around him. His passion for caring may have only extended to those in his very small circle and he may have seen those certain traits about himself as flaws, but what I love about finding the person who completes you is they don’t see your flaws, they recognize their other half. Creighton was so much more than I was expecting and I love those kind of surprises.

Annika Volkov is bright and shiny and loves to fill the quiet with talking. She is the total opposite of Creighton is just about every way except she’s completely drawn to him like a moth to a flame and even when Creigh gets up and walks away repeatedly from her, he still can’t stop thinking about her.

What makes Annika such a unique character is that she’s grown up in a mafia world. Her father is not a soft man, he’s ruthless and hard, except when it comes to loving his wife-that is his one exception, but Annika is very aware of the world she comes from. Yet, she herself is quite the opposite when you think mafia princess. Her favorite color is purple, she’s outgoing and friendly and she wants to experience everything life has to offer, even quiet and sometimes harsh Creighton King.

I don’t want to color Rina’s book in a rose colored way, but I do adore that she so brilliantly matches her characters in a way that every crack they have in their armor or every flaw they possibly possess, their soulmate fills up those cracks and is drawn to the other even more so because of their flaws. It’s why her anti-villains are so easy to fall for and so easily forgivable. While Creighton does warn her off, Annika is quite stubborn in her pursuit, and it doesn’t take long for Creighton to stake his claim. Prepare for steam, steam, and more steam.

What I love about these Legacy of Gods books is the interaction with other family members. Basically everyone is related or interconnected in someway throughout all of these books and finding that string to the connection is half of the fun. We were introduced to everyone in the first book, but only had a deeper dive into some of the cast members, but now with two new leads who have different best friends and family members, we got an intimate look at several more of the cast members. That part was definitely delicious, for instance; Eli and Creighton and Jeremy and Annika. I loved reading their interactions and can’t wait for more in this world. There is was also interaction with their families in general, which is great for fans or even new readers to get to know who the original Gods are. Probably my favorite moments were glimpses into those family times and hearing myself say, you fall for someone just like your parent, and for these two star-crossed lovers where the book had lots of heavy deep moments, that saying made me chuckle several times.

Once again, Rina’s writing is absolutely brilliant and her books continue to astound me.

I made a terrible mistake.
Being a mafia princess, I knew my fate was already decided.
But I went ahead and longed for the wrong one.
Creighton King is bad news with a gorgeous exterior.
He’s silent, brooding, and obviously emotionally unavailable.
So I thought it was over.
Until he awakens a beast inside me.
My name is Annika Volkov, and I’m Creighton’s worst enemy.
He won’t stop until he breaks me.
Or I break him.

God of Pain is a complete STANDALONE and can be read on its own.

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, RomCom, Year of Reviews - 2022

Review – Dash by Kayley Loring and Connor Crais

Dash; Rushing the Play #2
(Standalone within an interconnected series)

Publication Date: September 15, 2022

Genre/Tropes: Romantic Comedy/Sports Romance

Author: Kayley Loring and Connor Crais

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


Dash begins as sort of a Big D…but oh my heart…he is the biggest cinnamon roll. I love a book that can produce characters with growth and I’m not just talking about Dash’s muscles, while I do love how strong he is, his character is one to deeply fall in love with.

Charlie and Dash initially begin as oil and water and while we get a glimpse of their fiery past before jumping back into their present, it’s their present where I truly fell in love. Dash has major character growth and that man…sigh…he is fantastic. Once he realizes that it’s Charlotte that he wants, his entire life changes. I’m not sure he realizes consciously that she makes him a better man in his everyday life, but it’s all the little things that push him to just be better. It’s really hard not to like the big guy.

Charlotte, or Charlie as her friends call her, has always dreamed of dancing in NY. Like Dash she is driven, hard working and doesn’t give up easily. Hence, a lot of the friction between these two, but that is also what makes their love affair so spicy. She brings out the best in him, while he also does the same for her.

To reiterate, I loved, loved, loved Dash, especially when he became a father, but overall his tender moments were so sweet. The writing really reflected just how big and tough Dash was, he’s a defensive lineman in the NFL and those guys are not tiny, but when it came to caring for his loved ones it truly reflected his gentle heart and that is why this new series written with Kayley and Connor is absolutely fantastic!!


#99 Dash Taylor. Rookie defensive end for the Boston Tomcats. 285 pounds of fast-twitch muscle. Nickname: Big D.

I’ve been sacking quarterbacks since junior high and causing trouble since I was born.

My college coach thinks I have a bad attitude, so he makes me take ballet lessons as punishment. If I don’t turn things around on the field next season, he’ll bench me. I have no idea what ballet has to do with football, but it turns out the real punishment is that the beautiful dance teacher refuses to get involved with me.

Two years later, we cross paths again, and it’s not the other team’s offensive line who brings me to my knees—it’s a hundred-pound ballerina.

She doesn’t think I’m boyfriend material, and I used to think that too.

I’ve been a beast on the field and in the bedroom, but now I’m going to prove that I can be a man for her…and for our surprise baby.

I thought I was all about the smash and dash.
But getting Charlie Bardot pregnant changed everything.

Find more of my reviews on Amazon under Kayreader
on Goodreads under Kay Daniels Romance
At Bookbub under Kayreader
or you can follow me on Facebook at Kay Daniels Romance

Blog Tour - 2022, Contemporary Romance, RomCom, Year of Releases - 2022, Year of Reviews - 2022

Blog Tour – 50 Ways to Win Back Your Lover by Kelly Siskind

50 Ways to Win Back Your Lover
by Kelly Siskind is now live!

From Kelly Siskind comes a slow-burn romantic comedy about one man’s creative attempt to win back his high school sweetheart after a change in fortune gives them a second chance at love.

Growing up, I had it all—my art, close friends, a gorgeous girlfriend who owned my heart—but then my life exploded.

Turns out my father was laundering money, and my whole family got shoved into witness protection. No notice. No chance to explain. I was ripped away from beautiful, blue-eyed Delilah Moon, shattering both our worlds.

A decade later, fate has given us a second chance.

The cartel my father worked for has been wiped out. I’ve returned to my hometown, determined to win back the love of my life. But Delilah is engaged.

Or . . . is she?

I’m almost positive she’s lying about her fiancé to protect her heart. Which means I need to up my game.

I’ve made a list of fifty ways to prove we’re meant to be. Except Delilah’s barely looking at me, never mind swooning. I have a feeling my disappearance scarred her more than she’s admitting, and no one in town will tell me what happened . . .

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!


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Read Kay’s Review: 50 Ways to Win Back Your Lover

Meet Kelly Siskind

Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Kelly Siskind moved from the city to enjoy the charm of northern Ontario. When she’s not out hiking or home devouring books, you can find her, notepad in hand, scribbling down one of the many plot bunnies bouncing around in her head.

Sign up for her newsletter and never miss a giveaway, a free bonus scene, or the latest news on her books: And connect with her on Twitter/Instagram (@kellysiskind), and Facebook (@authorkellysiskind).

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