Blog Tour - 2024, New Adult, New Releases

Blog Tour – Ruthless Reign by Elena Lawson


Ruthless Reign, second book of the Kings of Kilborn University
Duet, by Elena Lawson is here!!

Genre/Tropes: Dark Contemporary / Why Choose / Enemies-to-Lovers / Forbidden Romance / Step-brothers / Gang Themes / Forced Proximity / Obsessed j/p Heroes / *Touch her and die vibes*

Order this dark romance TODAY!


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Start the Kings of Kilborn University series with book #1, Soulless Saint:


I was sick of being the girl who ran so this time I stayed. For them. Hardin and Kaleb. 

But now, thanks to Aodhan, there’s a target on my back.

I thought I could trust him, but he threw me to the wolves. It doesn’t matter what he’s done to try to fix it; I should hate him. I should…but I can’t.

Until those closest to me are hurt and blood starts to spill in the streets.

That’s when I know what I have to do.

It’s time to summon a version of Becca Hart that can be just as ruthless as her enemies. If I can’t, I don’t think any of us will make it out alive.

Ruthless Reign completes the Kings of Kilborn University duet. It is a dark romance where the main character doesn’t have to choose between love interests.

Warning: This series contains content that may be triggering to some readers, please read responsibly.
Ruthless Reign is book two in the Kings of Kilborn University series and should be read after Soulless Saint. It is a dark enemies-to-lovers romance where the main character will have more than one love interest and will not choose between them. It contains content that may be triggering to some readers.

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Read Kay’s Review: Ruthless Reign

About the Author:

Elena writes stories full of feisty heroines and unforgettable heroes. She may also have a small thing for bad boys and often gravitates towards the darker things in life. When she comes out of her writing cave, she can be found obsessively rearranging her bookshelves, drinking an unreasonable amount of wine, or cooking overly fancy meals for her family and friends.

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Blog Tour - 2024, Dark Romance, Forbidden/Taboo, New Releases, Paranormal/Science Fi/Fantasy Romance, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Crown of Light and Shadows by G.K. DeRosa

Crown of Light and Shadows by G.K. DeRose is live!

A powerless outcast thrust into a brutal Fae academy.
Her ruthless instructor caught between duty and desire.
A forbidden love foretold to spark the kingdom’s absolute ruin.

Welcome to the Courts of Aetheria…

On the day of my twentieth birthday, a brutally handsome Shadow Fae darkens my doorway and whisks me away to an elite Fae academy. The problem is I’m not Fae, and I certainly don’t have any magical powers.

Despite this, I’m thrust into a realm where magic is as vital as breath and far more dangerous.

Thrown into an academy teeming with powerful Fae, I must navigate the treacherous waters of magical education, summon my dormant powers and battle merciless fellow students to prepare to face the rival Arcanum Citadel across the river. Home to the treacherous Shadow Fae, the end of the year battle determines our fate.

More dangerous still is the mysterious connection with my ruthless, enigmatic Shadow Fae professor. As he begrudgingly mentors me in the ways of Light magic, our growing relationship becomes a forbidden attraction that neither of us can deny.

As my powers unfurl and the boundary between light and dark blurs, a deeper threat emerges: a secret prophecy that could ignite war. The shaky peace between the courts trembles, and I’m faced with a choice that could alter the fate of our realm.

The drums of war thunder across a divided kingdom, and I stand at the precipice, the key to averting a bloodbath–or igniting an all-consuming fire.

Author’s note: This epic fantasy romance series contains steamy enemies to lovers, touch her and I’ll unalive you vibes, age gap and a smoldering slow burn student/teacher relationship. Content is for mature audiences and 18+ recommended.

Order your copy today!



Read Kay’s Review: Crown of Light and Shadows

Meet G.K. DeRosa

USA Today Bestselling Author, G.K. De Rosa has always had a passion for all things fantasy and romance. Growing up, she loved to read, devouring books in a single sitting. As an adult, her favorite books were always young adult novels and she remains a self-proclaimed fifteen year-old at heart. When she’s not reading, writing or watching way too many TV shows, she’s traveling and eating around the world with her family. G.K. DeRosa currently lives in South Florida with her real life Prince Charming and their two little royals. 

 Connect with G.K.

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2024 Excerpt/Teaser, Blog Tour - 2024, LGBTQA+, New Adult, Sports Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Off Sides by Andi Jaxon

The captain of the hockey team has a lot of responsibilities but when it’s just us, all he wants is to be my good boy.

Off Sides, an all-new steamy, one night stand to lovers, sports romance from bestselling author Andi Jaxon is now available!

Senior year should have been the same as the previous years: football, hook ups, and homework.

But after the season ended, somehow, Joey Carpenter happened. 

He’s weaseled his way under my skin. Into my heart. 

The strong, intimidating, hockey player melts so beautifully for me and I’m addicted. 

He pretends like he doesn’t need anyone, but I see him.

See what he really needs. 

The longing to be cared for is there in his eyes.

I desperately want to give it to him. 

If I’m being honest with myself, I need to matter. 

I need to save him. 

Save him from himself.

Save him from his family. 

Will I be able to convince him that he deserves to be loved without conditions or will they leave him ragged and broken?

Start reading today!

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Keep reading for a look inside Off Sides!


Banging on my bedroom door wakes me, just like it does every morning for the last few years. Since Dad died of cancer when I was fourteen and Mom had to start working overtime to make ends meet, I’ve had to take on the responsibility of raising my siblings.

“I’m up!” I yell and sit up when the banging starts again. Charlotte, my little sister, huffs and runs down the hallway. The floorboard outside her door squeaks as she hurries to get dressed.

I drag my ass out of bed, pull on the jeans I dropped on the floor last night, and grab a hoodie before heading downstairs to make sure Charlotte and Mathew eat before getting on the bus.

I grab some bread to pop in the toaster and scramble some eggs. Matt wants cheese on his; Char wants salt but no pepper.

“I get them plated up and on the table, when a cloud of perfume comes down the hallway.

 “Charlie! Stop spraying that!” Matt yells from his room.

“Fuck off, Matty!” she screeches back using the nickname he hates.

“Both of you, come eat. You’re running out of time.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. I’m so tired.

Char drops down in her seat and eats the eggs but eyes the bread like she’s afraid it’s going to bite her.

“What’s your deal?” I lean against the counter and watch her push the toast off her plate.

“I can’t eat carbs, they make you fat.” She looks at me like I’m an idiot and it makes me want to punch something. I’m so tired of all these fad diets and social media telling everyone that you have to be a specific size and shape to be attractive. She’s sixteen, for fuck’s sake.

“No, they don’t. Carbs are fuel for your body. Eat things like bread and pasta in moderation and you’ll be fine.” Being an athlete means I know a lot about nutrition. Over the years, we’ve been taught how to fuel and condition our bodies for optimal performance, even as teenagers. I’m seventeen and I’ve been paying attention to how I fuel my body for years already.

Matt scarfs down his food so fast I don’t know how he doesn’t choke on it, then we’re grabbing backpacks and hoodies, and I snag the uneaten toast, before running out the door to catch the bus.

This is the last year we’ll all be in the same school since I graduate in June. Char is a sophomore and Matt is a freshman so I can keep an eye on both of them. Matt is a shithead but he’s my little brother and I have to try to keep him out of trouble. Every year it gets harder.

 When I’m not at school, I’m at hockey practice. I don’t have time to raise my siblings but I still do it because I’m the oldest.

We make it to school and Matt disappears with a group of kids that are trouble. Great. I shake my head and sigh, knowing I’ll have to deal with it, but I don’t have the energy today.

 “You know he’s getting into a fight at lunch, right?” Charlotte stops next to me, but her face is in her phone.

 Exhaustion has my shoulders dropping.

 “Who’s he fighting?”

“That kid with green hair and a spiked choker.” She clicks the gum in her mouth. “Hangs out with Darius and Mark.”

“Awesome.” I let out a breath and run my hand through my hair. “Get to class, I’ll see you later.”

“Yup.” She walks off toward her group of friends and I head to my first period, dreading what my day is going to bring.

I barely stayed awake through my first-period English class, was late to second-period history, and my stomach was growling loud enough to be a distraction through Algebra II, but I’ve finally made it to lunch. I have no idea where this fucking fight is supposed to happen, Char didn’t know, so I’m on the lookout for the group of dumbasses.

 I’m so hungry, though. Hustling to the cafeteria, I grab a tray, not caring what’s on it as long as it makes the hunger pains stop.

 I’ve barely sat down next to my best friend, Josh, when I hear it.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” being chanted.

“Fuck’s sake!” I throw my tray across the floor in my frustration and take off toward the noise with Josh on my heels. I’m so tired of dealing with my brother’s bullshit. We’re all struggling since Dad died but he’s the only one making it everyone else’s problem.

 A crowd has formed around my dumbass little brother and Evan, the green haired kid with black eyeliner, a punk style, and a fuck-you attitude. Honestly, the two are pretty evenly matched and I’m not sure who would win but I’m not going to find out either.

 Josh and I push our way through the students, all chanting and itching to watch the show. I’m almost to Matt when Evan pulls a switchblade out of his pocket and flicks it open.

 What the fuck!

My heart starts to race as fear for my brother floods my system. He can’t get hurt. Mom will kill me. It’s my responsibility to keep him safe.

 I’ve failed.

 “Shit,” Josh mutters under his breath. “You grab Matt, I’ll get Evan.”

“You’re a fucking pussy!” Matt yells at Evan. “You’re so scared of getting your ass beat you brought a knife!”

Shut the fuck up!

 If we make it out of this without getting stabbed, I’m going to beat his ass myself.

 I’m to the front of the crowd and Josh is almost in position, but I can see the next movement before it happens. Evan’s body tenses and he lunges for Matt. I yell “No” and dive for my brother, shoving him out of the way, but I’m not fast enough.

Evan’s blade arcs through the air, slicing Matt’s arm open. Girls in the crowd scream, and there’s a wrestling sound behind me that I’m hoping is Josh getting the knife from Evan because I’m too focused on my stupid brother to check.

Blood trails down his arm, dripping onto the floor. Matt’s face is a mixture of fear and adrenaline. The pain hasn’t hit him yet, but it will.

I grab his arm and force him down the hallway away from everyone before turning to look at him.

“Oh my God!” Charlotte yells when she catches up to us and sees the blood. “Is he okay? What the fuck, Matt?!”

 She smacks his other arm and I lift the bleeding one up to get a better look. It’s pretty deep.

“You might need stitches,” I sigh. That means Mom is definitely going to find out about this. We’re so fucked.

“No, just wrap it up. I’m fine.” His face pales at the idea of going to the hospital and since I’ve been playing hockey most of my life, none of us are shy about blood or wounds. We know how to take care of cuts and nose bleeds.

“You’re not fine.” I shove him into the boys’ bathroom so I can clean it up and get a better look. Charlotte apparently gives no fucks and follows after us.

“You can’t be in here.” Matt glares at her but all she does is lift an eyebrow at him.

“You’re an idiot,” she scoffs and pulls a first aid kit from her backpack.

I look at her, confused as to why she carries that around with her. It must show on my face because she rolls her eyes at me.

“Between hockey and this ass running his mouth, I never know who’s going to be bleeding or when.” She hands me the case and I set it on the sink, clicking the lid open. She has a point.

I get the cut cleaned up, listening to the teachers in the hallway yelling at students to break it up and hauling Evan and Josh to the office. A few people are loud enough for me to hear them say Evan was fighting Matt while Josh was trying to be helpful. It’s only a matter of time before they notice the blood on the floor and follow it in here. Matt is going to be suspended at best, expelled at worst. What the hell am I supposed to do if he’s suspended? I can’t miss that much school just to sit with his ass at home.

The cut is on Matt’s inner, upper arm and the edges don’t want to stay together.

“I don’t have butterflies, you need stitches,” I tell him, again.

 “Please, Joey. I don’t want Mom to know.” He sounds like a little kid and it breaks my heart a little.

 Glancing up at him, I see the tears welling in his eyes and the slight tremble of his lip. Charlotte puts a hand on his shoulder and looks at me for answers I don’t have.

“There’s no way we can hide this from her.” I find some antibacterial ointment and slather it on some gauze then wrap it as best I can, but it doesn’t take long for blood to seep through. “I’m sorry, man, you have to go. I can’t fix this.”

A sob escapes him and he covers his face with his good hand. I pull him into my chest and wrap my arms around him in a hug. Charlotte wipes a tear from her eye and I pull her into me too. For just a second, we stand there and the weight of the world is heavy on my shoulders. None of us want to burden Mom. She works so hard to keep us afloat, but she still has Dad’s medical bills on top of everything else. Cancer is not a cheap disease. It takes everything from you then demands more.

  The door opens and Mr. Phillips stops in the doorway.

 “Miss Carpenter, what are you doing in here?” he asks quietly.

She sniffs and straightens her spine, refusing to let anyone but me see her crumble. She wipes her face, turns to face him, and pops her hip.

“Making sure my brother was okay?” she sasses him and Matt snorts a laugh into my chest before standing up and wiping his own face.

“Go to class.”

She grabs her stuff and with one more glance at Matt, she leaves.

“Come on, Matt, we have to call your mom.” Mr. Phillips doesn’t sound any more excited about this than we are.

“He needs stitches.”

Mr. Phillips stops and looks between us, concern pulling his eyebrows together.


“Evan cut him.” I lift the arm in question and the gauze I put on is already starting to leak.

“Oh!” The teacher rushes forward and grabs Matt, rushing him to the office and the school nurse more than likely. I follow behind them. Evan is nowhere to be seen and Josh is sitting on a chair.

“You okay, man?” he asks Matt, then gets up and follows us when he sees the blood dripping down his arm.

Guilt churns my stomach until I’m ready to throw up but there’s nothing to come out. I want to punch something, pace, scream, but I can’t. I have to hold it together because that’s my job. Everyone is allowed to break but me. Never me.

Being the oldest means I have to keep it together when I want to fall apart. Char and Matt look to me to stand strong during the hard times but no one is ever there when I need it.

The nurse forces me and Josh out of the room and the vice principle, Mr. Clouse, calls me into his office to call my mom.

I tell Mr. Clouse the number to her cellphone and wait while he dials and puts her on speakerphone.

 “Hello?” Mom sounds tired when she answers. She’s almost done with her shift and this is day five in a row of twelve-hour shifts.

“Mrs. Carpenter, this is Mr. Clouse from Hillsbury High School.”

 She sighs and I can picture her shoulders dropping.

“I’m assuming you have Mathew in your office?”

“He is up here being treated by the nurse. Unfortunately, he needs medical attention that we can’t provide. We can either have him taken via ambulance or you can come get him but it appears that he needs stitches.”

She’s quiet for a beat.

“Stitches? For what? What happened?” she demands, the exhaustion of a few minutes ago replaced with fear.

“He got into a fight with another student who had a knife. Matt got cut on his arm.”

 Movement outside the door of the office pulls my attention and I watch as two police officers come in and move past the door.

 Is Evan going to be arrested?

“I’m on my way, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” my mother says and hangs up.

Mr. Clouse looks at me with his arms clasped on his desk.

“Is he going to be suspended?” I chew on my thumbnail even though it’s so short it’s bleeding and sore.

“Yes,” he sighs.

My head floods with schedules and how I’m going to get everywhere I need to, like practice and school, while Matt is at home. I don’t trust him enough to be left unattended for that long. He’ll get bored and leave the house, find trouble, and probably get arrested.

I scrub my hands over my face and wish I could disappear yet feel guilty for wanting to at the same time. Mom needs help. I get that. She didn’t plan to be raising kids on her own. She didn’t expect to lose the love of her life to cancer and be left with a mountain of debt.

But I also promised Dad I would look out for Char and Matt. I promised to do my best to help Mom because she was going to need me after he was gone. My entire future has been planned so that I can stay here and play hockey so I’m still around to help out after I graduate.

I want to break down. I want someone to tell me this isn’t my fault or my responsibility. Matt is a dumbass and acting out for attention because he didn’t process Dad’s death and feels abandoned by Mom. I had hockey to focus on and use to work my grief and anger out, Charlotte did dance, Matt had nothing.

“You can go back to class,” Mr. Clouse says. My stomach tightens as I force myself to stand.

“Can I check on him?” I pop my knuckles just for something to do, a nervous habit I can’t seem to quit.

“Sure, if the nurse says it’s okay.”

I’m out the door and down the hallway in the blink of an eye. With my hand on the doorknob, I knock as I turn the handle.

“I just wanted to check and make sure he’s okay,” I rush the words out when the nurse, Miss Beverly, looks over her shoulder at me. “Our Mom is on her way. Can I just sit in here with him until she gets here?”

She sighs and flicks her gaze to a box of gloves on the wall. “Put those on and come here.”

I drop my backpack and pull on the blue gloves.

“Hold your hand right here, keep pressure on it.” She shows me how she wants me to do it, corrects my hold, then steps back. “I’m going to need a statement from both of you, the police will too after your mom gets here.”

Matt’s shoulders droop and he drops his chin to his chest.

“I don’t want to go,” he whispers.

“You need stitches, you don’t have a choice. They had to call her.”

With his free hand, he wipes his face then leans forward to press his head against my chest. It’s the first time he’s reached out for physical comfort in years. Since both of my hands are on his arm, I can’t hug him back and it kills me. He may be fourteen but he’s still a kid. He needs his parents.

“I’m sorry I’m not Dad,” I whisper into his hair, and he lets out a little whimper like he wants to sob but won’t let himself do it.

 Yelling comes from outside and we both turn to watch through the door. We know that voice and that tone. Mom is here and she’s pissed.

She’s never been physically abusive, never laid hands on us, but words cut deeper than a knife sometimes. I was younger than Matt is now when I had to step up and help raise my siblings while also taking care of my dad who was wasting away. It took two years for him to pass. Two years for us to watch and wait and wonder if today was the day.

I grit my teeth and square my shoulders as I wait for her to come in here and tell me what a fuckup I am. Matt is desperately trying to pull back the tears but all he’s doing is hyperventilating now.

Mom comes in, scared and furious with wide eyes and tension vibrating the air around her.

“What the fuck?!” she all but screams. The harsh sound bounces off the walls and makes us flinch.

“I-I-I-I’m s-s-s-sorry.” Matt struggles to get the words out between the too fast breaths. My hands are still keeping pressure on his arm so I can’t even comfort him. Part of me wants to punch him, though, because he’s an idiot.

Mom’s cold eyes flick to mine like I hold the answers. But I don’t. I’m almost four years older than him.

“How could you let this happen?” she demands, shoving me out of the way and pulling the gauze back to look. “Jesus fucking Christ.” She looks around the space and points to the packets of gauze for me to hand to her.

Humiliation burns the back of my throat as she gives directions and I hand her what she needs. She gets a thick patch on and tapes it down to keep pressure on it until she takes him to the hospital.

She jerks him off the table hard enough that he stumbles. Turning those cold, exhausted eyes to me, she shakes her head before she says, “All I’ve ever asked of you is to keep him out of trouble.”

For more information about Andi Jaxon and her books, visit her website:

Blog Tour - 2024, Dark Romance, Paranormal/Science Fi/Fantasy Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Cloak of the Vampire by Sapir A. Englard


From the author of The Millennium Wolves series comes the hauntingly romantic story of a young woman’s descent into a League of vampires, and the Lord who means to keep her there.

Aileen Henderson’s unassuming life conceals a dark past. Outside of work, she hides behind her larger-than-life best friend, Cassidy, whose constant need for attention suits Aileen—and her secrets—just fine.

Until the night Aileen dies.

Awakening to a new world of brutality, bloodlust, and betrayal, Aileen plots revenge against Ragnor Rayne, the monster who cursed her with the Imprint. The demon who turned her into a vampire. The man whose eyes haunt her dreams.

She is going to make this vampire Lord regret the day he kissed her with the curse of immortality and made her his. If she can survive the Auction, and resist temptations of the flesh…

Order Your Copy Here!

Read Kay’s Review: Cloak of the Vampire

Why you will love this book…

🔥Supernatural Romance
🖤Enemies to Lovers
🔥Dark Romance
🖤Opposites Attract
🔥Forbidden Love
🔥Age Gap
🖤Hidden Identity
🔥Fish Out of Water
🖤Forced Proximity

Meet Sapir A. Englard


Sapir A. Englard

Sapir A. Englard is the author of The Millennium Wolves, an erotic werewolf fantasy series which has been read over 125 million times on Galatea’s mobile app. A graduate of Berklee College of Music, Sapir is a full-time writer, public speaker, and music producer. Born and raised in Israel, Sapir enjoys traveling, chatting with readers, and creating new stories.

To learn more about Sapir and her books, visit here! 

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Blog Tour - 2024, Forbidden/Taboo, LGBTQA+, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Honey Cut by Sierra Simone

Release Date: June 18th

HONEY CUT, book 2 in the Lyonesse Trilogy by Sierra Simone is NOW LIVE!!

Welcome to a world of desire, temptation, and irresistible attraction in this scintillating MMF romance that will leave you breathless.

Get your copy now and experience a romance that’s as forbidden as it is irresistible:


I have one job in this arranged marriage, and that’s to seduce my husband.
It should be easy; I’m the heiress to a transatlantic fortune, bred and raised to make a good match. I’ve spent a lifetime building up my endurance, my discipline, my dedication to my god and my church. The danger lies in falling for the devil who put his ring on my finger—a mistake I made years ago, and can’t afford to make again.
There is one more danger: handsome and green-eyed, emotionally wounded. Tristan Thomas, former soldier and my new husband’s bodyguard. A hero who stole my heart with salt-soaked kisses on the sea.
But Lyonesse is not like other places, and this isn’t like other marriages. Soon Tristan, Mark, and I are tangled in a knot of vicious jealousy and gorgeous wickedness, where suspicion is an aphrodisiac and secrets and vows are one and the same.
And there is something far darker at play than my real purpose, than the machinations of the Church I serve. Darker even than the twisted longings of my own heart. Because my husband has secrets of his own, and the reason he’ll stop at nothing to possess me could slice my soul deeper than the honeysuckle-hilted knife he gave me once upon a time.
Because when it comes to Mark Trevena and his games, the first cut is more than the deepest—it’s the sweetest.

And he always leaves you begging for more…

Read the Lyonesse Prequel, Salt in the Wound, for FREE
Tropes: Anti-hero. Age gap. Arranged marriage

Read Kay’s Review: Honey Cut

About the Author:
Sierra Simone is a USA Today Bestselling former librarian (who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk.) She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City.

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Blog Tour - 2024, Year of Releases - 2024

Blog Tour – All My Kisses For You by Monica Murphy

All My Kisses For You by Monica Murphy is now live!

Monica Murphy goes back to Lancaster Prep with a new generation of Lancasters, kicking it off with the daughter of Crew and Wren from the BookTok sensation A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime…

Everyone loves Willow Lancaster, and every girl wants to be her. She’s the perfect student. Stylish, kind to all and always flashing that beautiful smile.

After spending her junior year studying in Europe, she returns to Lancaster Prep, eager to kick off being a senior with her friends and maybe even start something up with her old crush?

But everything has changed. Her supposed best friend is dating her crush, new cliques have formed and everyone is OBSESSED with the new guy on campus.

Rhett Bennett is gorgeous. Lethally charming. Absolutely full of himself. He’s also the star quarterback of the football team and suddenly everyone on campus is a sports fan.

He is everything Willow should never want yet…he’s all she can think about. And when she realizes Rhett might feel the same way about her, she’s desperate to throw away her good girl reputation and do bad things.

Only with him.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited! 

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Meet Monica

Monica Murphy is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling romance author. Her books have been translated in almost a dozen languages and have sold over two million copies worldwide. Both a traditionally published and independently published author, she writes young adult, new adult and contemporary romance. She’s also known as USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson.

A native Californian, she lives on fourteen acres in the middle of nowhere with her husband, two kids, one dog, and four cats. When she’s not writing, she’s an assistant coach for her daughter’s high school cheer team, which is a two season sport. Meaning, she’s at practice with a bunch of teenage girls all the time. Or she’s at a football game. Or a basketball game. Maybe someday, she’ll even write about this experience.

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Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – My Royal Showmance by Lexi Blake

My Royal Showmance by Lexi Blake is now live!

From New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake, discover The Park Avenue Promise Series…

Three young women make a pact in high school—

to always be friends and to one day make it big in Manhattan.

My Royal Showmance

Anika Fox knows exactly where she wants to be, and it’s not on the set of a reality TV dating show. She’s working her way up at the production company she works for and she’s close to achieving some of her dreams. The big boss just wants one thing from her. He’s got a potential problem with the director of The King Takes a Bride and he wants Anika to pose as a production assistant and report back.

As the prince of a tiny European country, Luca St. Marten knows the world views him as one of the pampered royalty of the world. It couldn’t be further from the truth. His country is hurting and he’s right there on the front lines with his citizens. When he’s asked to do a dating show, his counselors point out that it could bring tourism back to Ralavia. It goes against his every desire, but he agrees. 

When one of the contestants drops out at the last minute, Anika finds herself replacing the potential princess. She’s sure she’ll be asked to leave the first night, but Luca keeps picking her again and again. Suddenly she finds herself in the middle of a made-for-TV fantasy, and she’s unsure what’s real and what’s simply reality TV. 

Download today on Amazon, Apple Books, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo!


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Audible: Narrated by: Kitty Bang

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About Lexi Blake
New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. Since starting her publishing journey in 2010, she’s sold over three million copies of her books. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings.

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Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, Sports Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – The Way We Touch by Tia Louise

THE WAY WE TOUCH by Tia Louise is now live!

By Tia Louise


My brother’s best friend might be a cocky wide receiver with an ego the size of Texas, but I did not mean to almost kill him with a ghost pepper. He did that all by himself.

Logan Murphy should come with a warning.
He’s as hot as a Carolina Reaper on black asphalt in the middle of July.
With perfectly messy dark hair and smoldering blue eyes—and don’t even get me started on the way that black tee stretches across his toned chest…

He’s my brother’s best friend.
He’s also a football star on track to win the first wide-receiver MVP in league history.
Good thing I only date golfers… or I did.
Good thing he’s only visiting for a month, because the more I see he’s not a player, the harder it is to block him from running away with my heart.

I’ve always loved football, but after eight years pro, everything about it leaves me cold.
So when I agree to head south with my best friend, the last thing I expect is to have my face melted off by his pepper-loving little sister.
Dylan Bradford was supposed to be a kid, not a feisty pinup who looks at me like she’s never seen a man before.

She’s all curves and cutoffs, bare feet dancing in the warm summer night,
But I’m only in town a month, and she doesn’t date football players.
Then late-night talks turn to sharing past hurts and future dreams, and shy looks turn to confident kisses.
The heat between us can’t be denied.
It’s spicy and sweet, and it melts us together.
Until the way we touch becomes more than friendly—it’s forever.

(THE WAY WE TOUCH is a small-town, brother’s best friend, sports romance with hilarious “accidents,” and a dirty-talking hero. No cheating. No cliffhanger. No third-act breakup.)

Book Cover

Special Edition Cover Designer: Wildheart Graphics
Illustration by Laura Moore

Order today on Amazon!

Read Kay’s Review: The Way We Touch

Meet Tia Louise

Tia Louise is the USA TODAY best-selling, award-winning author of super-hot and sexy romances. All her heroes are alphas with hearts of gold, and all her heroines are the smart, sassy ladies who love them.
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Blog Tour – Notorious by Leslie McAdam


Notorious by Leslie McAdam is now live!

Order Now —
FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Picking up your favorite adult film star at a bar in Vegas is a bad idea—especially when you wake up the next morning married to him. Ask me how I know.

Before I met Velvet the Cowboy, the public knew me as an innocuous guy who was running for office.

Now I’ve gone from boring to notorious in twenty-four hours.

The hot stranger’s ring on my finger puts a damper on my political ambitions, since his day job isn’t voter-friendly. An annulment is a no-go, and a quickie divorce would make me look unreliable.

In any case, when I find out Velvet’s dark plans, I know I can’t let him out of my sight. Which means I’m taking a gorgeous, 6’6”, slow-talking cowboy home with me to protect him from himself.

Being with him might light my career on fire. I’m just not expecting it to do the same to my heart.
Notorious is a stand-alone contemporary romance about Johnny Haskell, a cowboy turned adult star who stops to pet every good dog (and they’re all good dogs), and Kurt Delmont, a senatorial candidate who wants to save the world. It features recovery from a mental health crisis, healing from old wounds, and love that takes these two by surprise. This book contains sensitive themes; a detailed description of the contents is in the author’s note in the book preview. Happily ever after guaranteed.

About Leslie McAdam:

Blog Tour - 2024, Cowboy Romance, LGBTQA+, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Burning the Midnight Oil by Ashley James


Rule number one: Don’t fall for my brother in law.

It should be easy, right? 


When I moved in with my sister over summer break, I had no intention of returning to college in the fall. A work trip for her meant a lot of time alone for me with her husband. Boone Stanton. World famous bull rider and way, way off limits. 

A few late night, deep conversations between the two of us, only the midnight sky our witness, and suddenly, I can’t look away. Can’t keep my mind off of him. 

It’s in the way he works around the yard, sweaty and shirtless. The way his eyes soften and he leans into his playful side around his daughter. And it’s in the way he makes me feel seen. The way he’s slowly chipping away at my exterior without even realizing it. 

Then one night I see something I shouldn’t. Something that makes my mouth water and my heart race. Except when he catches me, instead of stopping and reprimanding me, he… keeps going. 

Now, I have the opportunity of a lifetime but it means going on the road with him. It means living in even closer quarters than before. It also means doubling down on keeping my hands to myself and my gaze away from his dark, observing eyes. 

But I’m only human, and it’s only a matter of time before I crack. Before I give in and do something I can’t take back. 

Something that could cost me everything. 

Order Your Copy Here!

Read Kay’s Review: Burning the Midnight Oil

Why you will love this book…

🏔️Brother in law
🩷Professional bull rider
🏔️Single Dad
🩷Small Town
🏔️Age Gap
🩷Forced Proximity
🏔️MM Romance

Meet Ashley James


Ashley James is a romance author who enjoys writing (and reading) LGBTQIA+ books. She is from Washington State—and no, not Seattle—and currently resides in South Carolina with her two kids and hairless kitties, Goose, Maverick, and Houston. 


Ashley is introverted and slightly (okay, majorly) awkward. She refuses to make this section sound like a tacky dating app profile, so she won’t be telling you how much she enjoys music, how she thoroughly enjoys dancing and singing in her kitchen, despite not being able to carry a tune, and she won’t be telling you about her love of toxic and broken fictional men.

To learn more about Ashley and her books, visit here! 

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Blog Tour - 2024, Dark Romance, Paranormal/Science Fi/Fantasy Romance, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Quicksilver by Callie Hart

From USA TODAY Bestselling Author Callie Hart comes a brand new, highly addicting enemies-to-lovers Romantasy with razor-sharp banter, heart-stopping action, and blistering hot romance that you won’t be able to put down!


Book 1 in the Fae & Alchemy series

Release Date: June 4th 2024

Purchase Link:


Do not touch the sword.

Do not turn the key.

Do not open the gate.

In the land of the unforgiving desert, there isn’t much a girl wouldn’t do for a glass of water.

Twenty-four-year-old Saeris Fane is good at keeping secrets. No one knows about the strange powers she possesses, or the fact that she has been picking pockets and stealing from the Undying Queen’s reservoirs for as long as she can remember.

But a secret is like a knot.

Sooner or later, it is bound to come undone.

When Saeris comes face-to-face with Death himself, she inadvertently reopens a gateway between realms and is transported to a land of ice and snow. The Fae have always been the stuff of myth, of legend, of nightmares…but it turns out they’re real, and Saeris has landed herself right in the middle of a centuries-long conflict that might just get her killed.

The first of her kind to tread the frozen mountains of Yvelia in over a thousand years, Saeris mistakenly binds herself to Kingfisher, a handsome Fae warrior, who has secrets and nefarious agendas of his own. He will use her Alchemist’s magic to protect his people, no matter what it costs him… or her.

Death has a name.

It is Kingfisher of the Ajun Gate.

His past is murky.

His attitude stinks.

And he’s the only way Saeris will make it home.

Be careful of the deals you make, dear child.

The devil is in the details…

N.B. Quicksilver contains depictions of graphic violence/adult situations and is therefore recommended for readers 17+.

Read Kay’s Review: Quicksilver

Meet Callie Hart

Callie Hart is a USA Today bestselling author of dark romance novels. She is an obsessive romantic who loves throwing a dark twist into her stories. Her characters are imperfect, flawed individuals who dictate when she eats, sleeps and breathes. She loves to travel and often pens her books when she’s on the road, drawing inspiration from her surroundings.

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Release Boost – The Copper Valley Fireballs Complete Series by Pippa Grant

Title: The Copper Valley Fireballs
The Complete Series
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 30, 2024
Meet the Copper Valley Fireballs, baseball’s lovable losers whose hot heroes are determined to turn this team around and resisting finding love along the way! This box set includes four full-length romantic comedies and a bonus novella.
About the books:
Jock Blocked is a home run of a feel-good romantic comedy featuring the world’s most superstitious sports fan, baseball’s oldest virgin hero, a rogue meatball, an adorable puppy with a cussing problem, and a happily ever after more satisfying than a game-winning grand slam.
Real Fake Love is a line drive straight to the heart featuring a grumpy athlete, a jilted bride, a fake relationship, and the world’s laziest cat. It stands alone and comes complete with sibling rivalry, the world’s most awkward shower scene, and a sweetly satisfying happily ever after.
The Grumpy Player Next Door is a fun-filled enemies-to-lovers romcom featuring a ray of sunshine on a mission, an athlete who’s only grouchy around her, and an epic prank gone wrong. It stands alone and comes complete with small-town shenanigans, a goat who’s not nearly as wise as his name suggests, and proof that sometimes, love is the best kind of vengeance.
Irresistible Trouble is a hilarious grand slam of a romcom about a baseball player whose ego is catching up to him, a pop star who’s a bit of a hot mess when the cameras aren’t looking (and sometimes when they are), and the kind of family and teammates that everyone deserves… in small doses.
Have Yourself a Grumpy Little Christmas is a hit of holiday sweetness featuring a grumpy retired baseball pitcher who hates the holidays, his best friend’s little sister, and a Christmas tree mishap.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Pippa Grant wanted to write books, so she did. Before she became a USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling romantic comedy author, she was a young military spouse who got into writing as self-therapy. That happened around the time she discovered reading romance novels, and the two eventually merged into a career. Today, she has more than 30 knee-slapping Pippa Grant titles and nine written as Jamie Farrell. When she’s not writing romantic comedies, she’s fumbling through being a mom, wife, and mountain woman, and sometimes trying to find hobbies. Her crowning achievement? Having impeccable timing for telling stories that will make people snort beverages out of their noses. Consider yourself warned.
2024 Excerpt/Teaser, Blog Tour - 2024, LGBTQA+, New Adult, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour  – Goodbye Note by J.R. Gray

We gave up on forever and I’d give anything for another shot at love.

Goodbye Note, an all-new emotional, angst-filled, friends to lovers, secret relationship, M/M romance from bestselling author J.R. Gray is now available!

I’m living the dream, playing summer festivals to massive crowds. 

My band is on fire, my best friend by my side and we’re on top of the world. 

I fell for him in the heat of the summer. I fell for the stars in his eyes. 

The way he said my name. I’ll never love anyone the same. 

But our story ended when it was just beginning. 

Fame gave me more than I could ever imagine, but I’ll forever suffer the cost.

The summer of love and loss would forever be a stain on my heart.

I used to think life didn’t come with second chances or do overs, until we’re reunited for a world tour as dual headliners. 

Only he thinks I’m happily married, when in reality, my life is crumbling. My team won’t let me announce my divorce, leaving him to believe I’m happily married.

We gave up on forever and I’d give anything for another shot at love. 

Start reading today!

FREE in Kindle Unlimited


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Keep reading for a look inside Goodbye Note!

Varian St. James. Only a villain had a name like that. Or a rock star. Everyone in this room would recognize him immediately. He was even more beautiful and harsh in person, which said something because the guy had a helluva stage presence and a reputation as a cold dick.

Why was he even here? His band Dopamine-Fiend was everything mine aspired to be. They’d just come off a massive tour with Death Nostalgia, and the rumor was that they were working on another album and an arena tour.  

“You don’t have to—” he started when I didn’t say anything. 

I shook my head before I found my voice, not letting him finish. “No—I take making amends very seriously. A drink is the least I can do.” 

His lips curled, pulling at the unnaturally white skin of the scar, revealing the signature crooked smile he’d had since he was a child. His parents were famous musicians, and he grew up in the spotlight.

Rumors said it happened at a party thrown by his parents, when he was six years old. A party he had no place being at, but no one knew the details of when or where it happened because it had been covered up and he hadn’t been seen in public for years after. 

“What do you fancy?” he asked, leveling me in a stare. 


He tilted his head. “Not too young to drink, are you?” 

“I’m twenty-one.” 

“A baby.”

I scoffed. “Only a couple of years younger than you, I bet.”

“Three, but every year in this industry ages you ten, so you’re a sweet summer child compared to my ancient ass.” He winked.

“Does that make you, like, two hundred and fifty? Are you a vampire or something?”

“Why? Want me to suck your blood?” The amusement reached his eyes this time.

“I’m not saying no…”

He shook his head, full of amusement or so I hoped, and nodded for me to follow him. A few people tried to stop Varian but he begged them off with a finesse that wasn’t rude and left them wanting more. He had to be expert at this networking game, so why had he been hiding in the corner?

I’d heard he hated being the center of attention, but would anyone really choose this life if they hated every part of it? I found it draining but exhilarating when I wasn’t hating myself; I enjoyed all the parts that came with it. I loved people consuming my art. Fans dancing in the crowd, screaming lyrics at the top of their lungs. The attention. The traveling, though we hadn’t done much of that yet. 

The bartender stopped in his tracks, starstruck. I leaned on the polished wood top, observing the interaction. He gushed over Varian for a minute before asking for his order. 

“Jack and coke.” He looked at me. 


The bartender did a double take. “This is your album, right?” He pointed at the ceiling. 

“That’s right.” 

“Cheers. It’s damn good. You two friends?” he asked as he made our drinks. 

 Varian glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. “I think so. I’ll get back to you after the ritual.” 

 “Ritual?” I asked with half a laugh. “Is there a blood vow, too?” 

 Varian leaned in. “Only if you insist.” 

“Then I insist,” I said before I considered the meaning or implication. My chest stirred. 

“I thought I was a vampire. Am I a witch now?”

“Can’t you be both? Let’s keep it kinky.”

His lips pulled against the unevenness from his scar as he smiled. “I think this friendship is going swimmingly, don’t you?” he asked the bartender as he accepted the drink. 

The bartender laughed, smiling at Varian like he put the stars in the sky. “If you want a third wheel…” 

“I’ll let you know,” Varian said before glancing around.

 “Who do you have left to talk to?” 

 I brought my drink to my lips, running through all the faces and names. “I lost track. It’s getting late.” I didn’t want to go schmooze anyone else. I wanted to be here with Varian. 

 “Would you want to go find someplace more quiet? The lights are starting to give me a migraine.” The glint in his almost black eyes looked hopeful. 


 He resumed his scan of the room and then turned on me. “I’m kidnapping you.” 

 “Isn’t it kinda against the point to tell me?”

 “Right.” He snapped. “Good point.” He slapped his hand on the bar. “If I give you a twenty, would you slip me that bottle?” 

“Hey, it’s a free bar.” The bartender weighed it, then set the mostly full bottle on the counter. “If you take it, I saw nothing.” 

Varian took out his wallet and stuffed a twenty into the tip jar before swiping it. “Come on.” 

 I followed him toward the back of the joint and out the doors into the crisp February night. “We’re leaving?” 

 “We can’t talk in there. I can’t even think with the lights and the music.” He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, inhaling deeply. 

 Maybe it was the worst idea to leave my own party, but Varian drew me in. I wanted more.

“So, to gain clarity, we’ll freeze to death?” I pulled my jacket tighter. 

“Always a tradeoff.” He walked toward the lake, and because I clearly had no sense of self preservation, I followed. “But it will be worth it.” 

“Is this the blood ritual or the secret friendship stuff?” I shoved my hands into my pockets. 

 “It can be both.” 

 I laughed. “You’re not going to sacrifice me, are you?” 

 “Only if you ask nicely.” He shot me a glance. 

 “Please, Varian, please.” 

 He groaned and shook his head, lips twisting into a smirk. “Don’t tempt me! We don’t know each other well enough for me to reveal my kinks to you yet.” 

 “Yet? You say that like there will be more.”

 Varian stopped and assessed my figure. “So much more. But we have to get to know each other first.”

 The idea was intoxicating.

 “Then let’s get to know each other.” 

For more information about J.R. Gray and her books, visit her website:

Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, Forbidden/Taboo, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – The Trouble with Bad Boys Anthology

We are excited to celebrate THE TROUBLE WITH BAD BOYS ANTHOLOGY


They’re not the forever type, but the chemistry is too intense to ignore. Their touch sets you on fire. Their kiss makes you crave more. They’ll draw you in with their sophisticated charm, break the rules… and your heart. Everything about them is wrong, yet you can’t stay away.

Because sometimes… bad is better.

Don’t miss these rugged rebels and the strong women who tame their wild hearts!

*100% of proceeds from this set will benefit Operation Underground Railroad to support victims of human trafficking.

Buy Your Copy Here!

Read Kay’s Review: The Trouble with Bad Boys Anthology

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Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, LGBTQA+, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Suddenly You by Cora Rose

Pick up Suddenly You by Cora Rose today! Take a trip to Vegas for some unexpected moments in this MM romance today!

One Click Your Copy Today!

Cover Designer: Breathless Lit




We’ve all heard the saying, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

God help me, if only that were true. 

Because as it turns out, my surprise gay husband is very much still my husband outside of the great state of Nevada. And let me tell you, as a straight guy, waking up married to a man I barely know with no memory of how it happened wasn’t even on my Bingo card.


What started as a fun weekend getaway to support my brothers in their relationships and show them how much I’ve grown, has somehow spiraled wildly out of my control. 

Cooper Allen is rich, kind, and charming, but he’s holding all the cards now. Because he doesn’t want our marriage annulled. No, he says he wants us to make a deal. He wants me to spend time with him, to move in with him. But why?


All I know is that I’m broke and I can’t afford a divorce without his compliance, without his help.

So there’s nothing left for me to do but agree and accept my fate. 

I’m a straight dude with a husband. 

This is my life now.


Read Kay’s Review: Suddenly You


About the Author:

Cora Rose loves any kind of romance and consumes way too many books each year. She currently lives in the U.S. and spends her days daydreaming about the characters inside her head.


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Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Hunter; The Stewarts of Skagway by Katy Regnery

Hunter; The Stewarts of Skagway by Katy Regnery is live!

New York Times bestselling author Katy Regnery is back with her third Stewarts of Skagway romance!

Hunter Stewart has a history of falling hard and fast, but when he met Isabella Gonzalez the rate of his drop was both savage and supersonic.

They shacked up for a weekend of physical bliss, and stayed in touch when Isabella headed back to Seattle. But a few weeks later, Isabella called it quits. This summer, Isabella’s back in Alaska as a contestant on the new reality show, The Astonishing Alaska! On the first day of filming, she’ll be surprised to discover that Hunter’s part of the show, too! From the panhandle to the far north, with challenges galore, these two will set off sparks that could melt the whole state. Get ready, get set… and may the best “player” win!

New York Times bestselling author Katy Regnery is back with an addictive six-book series featuring the Stewarts of Skagway!

Six siblings.

Six love stories.

The Stewarts of Skagway.

Email Image

A small but mighty outpost on the very edge of the Alaskan wilderness, Skagway has been a favorite stop for prospectors, adventurers, and cruisers for over a hundred years. It’s also the home of the midnight sun, grizzly bears and the six Stewart siblings who are about to spend 2024 falling in love! Meet the sexy, sharp-witted, fun-loving Stewarts of Skagway – Tanner, Harper, Hunter, Sawyer, Parker and Reeve – who have no idea how much their lives are about to change as they each find their very own happily-ever-after

Book #1: Tanner (Jan 2024)

Book #2: Harper (Mar 2024)

Book #3: Hunter (May 2024)

Book #4: Sawyer (Jul 2024)

Book #5: Parker (Sep 2024)

Book #6: Reeve (Nov 2024)

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!


Preorder The rest of Stewarts of Skagway Series today!

Read Kay’s Review: Hunter; The Stewarts of Skagway

Meet Katy Regnery

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katy Regnery started her writing career by enrolling in a short story class in January 2012. One year later, she signed her first contract, and Katy’s first novel was published in September 2013.

Over fifty books and three RITA® nominations later, Katy claims authorship of the multititled Blueberry Lane series, the A Modern Fairytale collection, the Summerhaven series, the Arranged duo, and several other stand-alone romances, including the critically acclaimed mainstream fiction novel Unloved, a love story.

Katy’s books are available in English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Turkish.

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Blog Tour – Accardi Twins Duet by Siobhan Davis


The Accardi Twins Duet, a dark mafia romance set within the Mazzone Mafia world from USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author Siobhan Davis is now available!

Order your copy of the duet today!

Cold King of New York 

Cruel King of New York →

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Cold King of New York, Book 1


Seducing the enemy was the goal—not falling for my mafia boss. 

As a rookie spy, my first mission is to seduce the Irish mafia boss’s brother and prove he is behind the threat to the mafioso in The Big Apple. 

It’s a dream job. 

Except my new boss is sucking all the joy from my life. Don Joshua Accardi seems way too invested in my personal safety, and he’s constantly scolding me for taking too many risks.  

Gone is the friendly older guy I knew growing up. His ex’s betrayal changed him. Now, Joshua is a cold, controlling man living his life by a rigid set of self-imposed rules.  

He thinks he can push me around and I’ll do his bidding like every other woman in the city. 

But I enjoy pushing back and seeing him lose his cool is the ultimate high.  

Sparks constantly fly, and it’s not long before we cave to our insane chemistry.  

Joshua has wormed his way into my heart, but the downside of loving a powerful man is getting noticed by his enemies. 

Now, I’m a target and my mission just got a lot more dangerous. 

Order your copy today! Cold King of New York

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Cruel King of New York, Book 2


The boy I grew up loving is now the made man who broke my heart. 

I had one primary goal in life: to marry Don Caleb Accardi, give him lots of babies, and live happily ever after.  

Until he shattered my fantasy and destroyed my belief in love. 

His playboy status isn’t the issue. I learned to live with his womanizing while patiently waiting on the sideline for him to truly notice me. 

But he never has. Not the way I want him to. 

One promise. That’s all I asked of him, and he couldn’t even keep it. 

Something inside me dies when I learn the truth, and I reach my breaking point. 

This is the last time he hurts me. 

I’m not saving myself for him anymore.  

So, I cut him out of my life and begin dating. 

Caleb sure doesn’t like that, and a switch has flipped in his brain. 

Now, he wants me. And he’s pulling out all the stops to win back my heart. 

Too bad it’s too late—for him and for me. 

Because Caleb has powerful enemies who are aware he loves me, and now I’m fair game. 

Order your copy today! Cruel King of New York →

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Free to read in Kindle Unlimited. Also available in audio, model paperback, alternate paperback, and hardcover.

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About Siobhan
Siobhan Davis is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Amazon Top 10 bestselling romance author. Siobhan writes emotionally intense stories with swoon-worthy romance, complex characters, and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns that will have you flipping the pages beyond bedtime! She has sold over 1.5 million books and her titles are translated into several languages.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management.

She lives in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

Connect with Siobhan
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Blog Tour – When Lies Unfold by RC Boldt

USA Today bestselling author RC Boldt delivers a seductive new romantic suspense filled with twists in WHEN LIES UNFOLD…

When Lies Unfold by RC Boldt is now live! 

Title: When Lies Unfold
Author: RC Boldt
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Alpha Hero/Heroine in Distress/Close
Proximity/Enemies to Lovers/Opposites Attract
The moment I witness a murder, my quiet, careful existence goes up in smoke. I’m thrust into the world of Santiago Hernández, Central America’s most ruthless cartel leader.
In exchange for my life, I’m placed under his watchful eye. Day in and day out, he waits for me to betray my promise of silence.
The longer I stay in his world, the deeper I fall for the glimpses of the man beneath that handsome yet cunning exterior. The man whose possessive touch ignites a long-lost part of me.
But I should know better than to open my heart to a cold-blooded criminal with a laundry list of deadly sins and secrets. Especially when he has no idea who I really am.
Because when the lies unfold, he’ll discover I have a list of sins and secrets of my own.
RC Boldt is a USA Today bestselling author currently living in part of the Costa Rican jungle with the love of her life and her mini-me.
Blog Tour - 2024, New Adult, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Savage Vicious Heir #2 by Caitlyn Dare

❤️‍🔥 NEW RELEASE ❤️‍🔥

Savage Vicious Heir: Part Two by Caitlyn Dare is NOW LIVE!! This completes the Heirs of all Hallows’ series!

“An end to the Heirs’ era. Elliot and Abi’s duet rounded out this series perfectly. It was sweet torment and beautiful heartache sprinkled with lots of nostalgia. I couldn’t have wanted anything more.” – Kay Daniels Romance

Download Savage Vicious Heir: Part Two –

Bestselling author Caitlyn Dare brings you the final dark high school romance story in the Heirs of All Hallows’ series

He’s savage. He’s vicious… and he’s dead set on protecting her.

Abigail Bancroft never expected to cross paths with the Heirs of All Hallows’.

Wicked. Arrogant. Entitled. They can take what they want, when they want it.

She’s always hid in the shadows, protecting her heart and secrets from her classmates.

Until Elliot Eaton.

He’s makes her feel seen. Beautiful. He makes her want things she never dared to imagine.

But she isn’t the kind of girl he wants.

And even if she is … he’ll never be allowed to have her.

Savage Vicious Heir: part one is a dark high school bully romance. If possessive, rugby playing alphaholes aren’t your thing, you probably won’t like this book!

Grab your copy here!

Read Savage Vicious Heir: Part One –

Start the series for FREE with prequel Wicked Heinous Heirs –

Meet Caitlyn Dare

Caitlyn Dare is a Top 50 Amazon bestselling author of dark romance.

She writes angsty, gritty stories about alphaholes you’ll love to hate and the feisty girls who bring them to their knees.

Her bestselling series include: Savage Falls Sinners MC, a dark high school reverse harem romance; and Rebels at Sterling Prep, a dark bully high school romance.

To learn more about Caitlyn Dare & her books, visit here!

Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Firefly Effect by K.K. Allen

𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙵𝙻𝚈 𝙴𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙲𝚃 by USA Today bestselling author K.K. Allen is now LIVE! Don’t miss this all new steamy romantic suspense!!!

Title: Firefly Effect
Author: K.K. Allen
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Small Mountain Town, Single Dad
Forbidden (Psychologist/Patient), Obsessed Hero
Release Date: May 24, 2024
From USA Today Bestselling Author, K.K. Allen, comes a steamy and gripping standalone romantic suspense.
For years, tales of the Firefly Man were nothing more than elaborate rumors spread by residents in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Until the night Evelyn Vaughn stumbled upon a dead body in the woods.
Fear gripped her, and silence stole her voice.
All while she watched the boy she was with that night take the fall.
Fourteen years later, Evelyn is nothing more than a shell of her former self.
Her life moves like a clock, from one moment to the next, never a surprise.
Gone are the days of chasing fireflies through the woods.
Until her therapist goes missing and he’s replaced with someone new.
Dr. Lincoln Reed.
A devastatingly handsome single dad with an intensity behind his evergreen eyes that jolts her back to life.
Or does it?
Evelyn is quickly losing grip of the suppressed reality she’s worked so hard to live.
With every new session on Dr. Reed’s couch, comes a startling new revelation that has her past awakening like the sparkles of light she used to chase through the Appalachian woods.
The Firefly Man was supposed to be a rumor, a fable, a spooky tale.
But Evelyn remembers the truth.
He’s her very own phantom.
And he’s back.
Free in Kindle Unlimited

K.K. Allen is a USA Today bestselling and award-winning author who writes heartfelt and inspirational contemporary romance stories. K.K. graduated from the University of Washington with an Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences degree and currently resides in central Florida with her ridiculously handsome little dude who owns her heart.

K.K. published her first contemporary romance, Up in the Treehouse, in 2016 which went on to win the Romantic Times 2016 Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best New Adult Book of the Year.

With K.K.’s love for inspirational and coming of age stories involving heartfelt narratives and honest emotions, you can be assured to always be surprised by what K.K. releases next.

Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, RomCom, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour- Drunk On You by Nikki Ash

Title: Drunk on You

Series: Love & Whiskey Series
Author: Nikki Ash
Release: May 23, 2024
Genre: Age Gap, Fake Engagement, Enemies to Lovers, Office Romance
Image by: Wander Aguiar Photography
Cover Designer: Jersey Girl Design
If I want to prove to my dad that I can take his place as CEO of our family’s liquor company, I need to show him I won’t let work consume my life the way it did his.
He wants me to be a family woman? I can fake it till I make it.
A fake fiancé is the perfect solution, and the man I’ve found is the ideal candidate.
He’s smart and successful, and he’ll look great on paper as well as on my arm …
Until I realize he’s also my stiff competition.
She’s supposed to be a trophy wife. The missing ingredient I needed to toast my success.
I was hoping the ten million reasons I offered in exchange would be enough to get her to agree. But it turns out, she’s got her own reasons for using me.
From the boardroom to the bedroom, this woman has turned my world upside down.
She might be good at faking it, but her beauty and brains have me falling for real.
I’m just getting started, and I’m already drunk on her.


Blog Tour - 2024, Contemporary Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Not So Truly Yours by Julia Wolf

Not So Truly Yours by Julia Wolf is now live!

The first time I met Miles Aldrich, he stole my cupcakes.

The second time, I handed him a bill for what he owed me.
He’s a billionaire after all. He can afford it.

The third time we met… well, that was the biggest surprise of all. I walked into his office looking for help with a business plan. But I somehow walked out… with a fake boyfriend.

Miles claims the plan is simple: he’ll lend me his powerful family’s reputation by posing as my boyfriend. I’ll gain important contacts, and he’ll have someone by his side so he doesn’t have to make excuses for why he’s not dating anyone.

For one whole summer, Miles Aldrich is not so truly mine. The real man behind the smooth lines and flirty smiles is nothing like I assumed.

He’s sunshine in a tall, gorgeous package.

He kisses me like his life depends on it.

Logically, I know this relationship of ours isn’t real.

But the problem is… the feelings he’s bringing out in me are true as can be.


Fake dating


Golden Retriever Boyfriend/Black Cat Girlfriend

Found Family

Workplace Romance

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

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Read Kay’s Review: Not So Truly Yours

Meet Julia Wolf

Julia Wolf writes sexy rockers and badass women. She’s a huge believer in happily ever afters, no matter how complicated the road to get there is.

Julia lives in Maryland with her husband and three crazy, beautiful children. When she’s not writing romance, she’s reading it. Some of her favorite things are, in no particular order: goats, books, coffee, and Target.

To learn more about Julia Wolf and her books, visit here!

2024 New Release/Release Day, LGBTQA+, New Adult, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – So Wrong by Abby Millsaps

So Wrong by Abby Millsaps is live!

Releasing: May 15, 2024

No wrong moves.

Those were the words the first boy I ever loved whispered in my ear on graduation weekend.

Naively, I believed him. Now those three little words feel like a bad omen I can’t escape.

Every move I’ve made since I returned to South Chapel hurts my ex-boyfriend, Greedy. But it’s for his benefit. That’s what I tell myself. Intentionally hurting him is for the best.

It has to be. I said goodbye to the possibility of forever with him the moment my mom and his dad “introduced us” at their engagement dinner.

Three years have passed, but that doesn’t matter to Greedy. He’s hell-bent on making sure I remember it all.

On my darkest nights, the memories win. Since his bedroom is just two doors down, he’s the anchor I seek when it all feels like too much.

But now Greedy’s best friend is back in town, and he and I are “dating” to get his meddling mother off his back. Not only is Levi my new fake boyfriend, but he’s also our new roommate, too.

No wrong moves, Greedy assured me years ago.

What if there are no right moves either?

So Wrong is the first book in the Boys of South Chapel series. It is a steamy second chance why choose romance. A full list of tropes and triggers can be found on the author’s website.

Download your copy today!


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Read Kay’s Review: So Wrong

Meet Abby

Abby Millsaps is an author and storyteller who’s been obsessed with writing romance since middle school. In eighth grade, she failed to qualify for the Power of the Pen State Championships because all her submissions contained the same theme: young people falling in love. #LookAtHerNow

She’s best known for writing unapologetically angsty romance that causes emotional damage for her readers. Abby prides herself in writing authentic characters while weaving mental health, chronic illness, and neurodiverse representation into the fabric of her stories.

Abby met her husband at a house party the summer before her freshman year of college. He had a secret pizza stashed in the trunk of his car that he was saving for a midnight snack–how was she supposed to resist that level of golden retriever energy and preparedness? When Abby isn’t writing, she’s reading, traveling, and raising her three daughters.

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Blog Tour – Luscious Bite by Sara Ohlin

Luscious Bite: An Enchanted Mates Romance by Sara Ohlin is now live!

Dr. Nikolav Sarkozy has had centuries to perfect his arrogance, but his cold vampire soul is no match for the beautifully joyful ER doctor, Francesca Banetti.

Cursed never to drink blood or enjoy pleasure from a human again until he finds his mate, Niko has lived an extremely lonely vampire life. When he walks into Mercy General Hospital and meets Francesca, his penance crashes down around him.

Francesca is a healer, but with her haunted past, she keeps her witch status hidden. While she excels at saving lives, she flourishes when infusing her magic into food, doting on her niece and nephew, and teasing Niko, of course.

Niko is everything bleak and miserable. Francesca is laughter, light, and love. He craves her but denies the ancient instinct whispering she belongs to him. But when a sinister demon threatens her and her family, he steps up and vows to protect them. He had no idea she would tear down the chains around his soul.

Seven hundred years is an awfully long time to be alone. Perhaps the time has come to find his enchanted mate.

Talk of death and killing. Past death of parents and grief. Death of patients in hospital, including child. Demon targeting women. Talk of gruesome attacks by demon.

Why you will love this book:

🖤Contemporary Paranormal Romance

🖤Steamy Romance

🖤Vampire Romance

🖤Witch Romance

🖤Tortured Hero

🖤Grumpy Sunshine


🖤Fated Mates


🖤Food as an Act of Love

🖤Hero with a Dark Past


Download today on Amazon!


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About Sara Ohlin

Puget Sound based writer, Sara Ohlin is a mom, wannabe photographer, obsessive reader, ridiculous foodie, and the author of ten romance novels with Totally Bound Publishing.

She has over twenty years of creative non-fiction and memoir writing experience, and you can find her essays at, Feminine Collective, Mothers Always Write, Her View from Home, and in anthologies such as Are We Feeling Better Yet? Women Speak about Healthcare in America, Take Care: Tales, Tips, & Love from Women Caregivers, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Although she’s the author of many essays about life, grief, motherhood and the connections we make through delicious food and shared meals, Sara loves creating imaginary worlds with tight-knit communities in her romance novels. She credits her mother, Mary, Nora Roberts and Rosamunde Pilcher for her love of romance.

If she’s not reading or writing, you will most likely find her in the kitchen creating scrumptious meals with her two kids and amazing husband, or perhaps cooking up her next love story.

She once met a person who both “didn’t read books” and wasn’t “that into food” and it nearly broke her heart.



Blog Tour - 2024, New Adult, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – The Torment of Two by K. Webster

From USA Today Bestselling Author K Webster comes an enemies-to-lovers, new adult M/F small-town romance. The Torment of Two by K Webster is now live, the fifth book in the Shameful Secrets series! 

Order Now!

She craves freedom from her overbearing family, and being a student at Park Mountain University is exactly that for her.
Until she’s partnered up for an entire semester with a surly, difficult man who despises her immediately for no reason at all. So much for an escape…


At PMU, I can finally be free to be my own person away from the Park family name.

This semester, though, my happiness is threatened when I meet him.

Tristan “Two” Sheridan is a grumpy jerk who nearly runs me over with his hunk of junk car and then has the audacity to blame me.

Our dislike for one another is instantaneous.

Imagine my horror when not only is he in one of my new “blow-off” classes, but I’ve also been partnered up with him for a labor-intensive class project for a huge portion of my grade.

His distaste for me is mild at first, but the second he learns my name, it turns to utter contempt.

Why does he hate me so much?

What did I ever do to earn such nastiness from a man I don’t even know?

Beneath Two’s crankiness are secrets—secrets I plan to uncover. With each encounter, I peel back more of the mysterious layers of the handsome man with the pale gray eyes and find there’s someone likable deep down beneath. And, despite his grudge against me and my family, I think he can’t help but like me too.

As we spend more time together on our project, and just when I think I’ve got a handle on Two, I start getting harassed by someone else. This person stalks me at every turn, leaving me anonymous creepy notes and promises of a future together.

The stalker is the least of my problems, though. When Two reveals the true reason for hating me—the crushing secret that has tormented him his entire life—my own world is suddenly turned upside down. I feel inadvertently responsible and want to somehow make it all better.

A budding romance burns hot between us as our walls come down, but we have to keep it a secret. My parents will vehemently disprove of our coupling, and his will be utterly destroyed. Under the guise of our project, we’re able to spend stolen moments together, stoking the flames of our growing feelings for one another, keeping the bitter truth from our families.

But my stalker has other nefarious plans that keep escalating in nature.

In order to get help from my father and my brother’s cop fiancée, I will have to come clean. My life may depend on it. Ugly truths will be brought to light and Two’s family will no doubt suffer the consequences. I dread the day I’ll be forced to spill the truth.

Is this thing between me and Two worth all the heartache and pain destined for our future?

Only time will tell…

***This is a complete M/F standalone novel with a happily ever after. Tropes for this book include: enemies-to-lovers, grumpy/sunshine, college, new-age romance, opposites attract, historical preservation nerds, hidden rooms and treasure hunts, romantic suspense, mental health rep, and secret romance.***

Read Kay’s Review: The Torment of Two

Shameful Secrets Series

1 – The Teacher of Nothing (Callum’s Book)
2 – The Tangle of Awful (Hugo’s Book)
3 – The Heart of Smoke (Jude’s Book)
4 – The Law of Deceit (Dempsey’s Book)
5 – The Torment of Two (Gemma’s Book)

About the Author:

K Webster is a USA Today Bestselling author. Her titles have claimed many bestseller tags in numerous categories, are translated in multiple languages, and have been adapted into audiobooks. She lives in “Tornado Alley” with her husband, two children, and her baby dog named Blue. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and researching aliens.

Author Links:

Blog Tour - 2024, Erotic Romance, LGBTQA+, Paranormal/Science Fi/Fantasy Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Temperance by Lark Taylor

Are you ready to dive back into the Damned Connections series? Pick up Temperance by Lark Taylor today!

One Click Today!

Cover Designer: BreathlessLit

Photographer: Cadwallader photography


A fire mage who believes he’s broken. A vampire who believes he can fix him. A contract that’s going to change everything.


I’ve never been good at doing the right thing.

A series of bad choices have left my life in tatters. Everyone is telling me to move on, but how can I? What I did was unforgivable, even if others believe otherwise. My whole world ceased to exist the night I left a human dying on a classroom floor.

I don’t deserve anything good in my life, I know that. But I’m desperate for peace. Just a few moments where I can escape from everything I’ve done.

When Toby offers me a solution that promises just that, I jump at it. I never imagined having a Dom, but with Toby in that role?

Nothing has ever felt so right.

Problem is, this is a contract, not a relationship. A temporary one.

Which means I need to guard my heart and stop myself from falling for this enigmatic vampire.

Like I said, I’ve never been good at doing the right thing.


I never learn.

Every time I see a needy sub, I can’t help but offer my help. Every time, I forget that it’s a contract and fall too hard and too fast.

I’m the one who fixes them, never the one they choose to spend eternity with. That’s the way it always goes.

When Blaise bursts into my life, I already know how it’s going to end. I can’t stop myself from wanting to help him, but this man has the capacity to break me in whole new ways. Maybe if I keep the boundaries strict between us, I can walk away at the end without another scar on my heart.

Like I said, I never learn.

Temperance is the third book in the Damned Connections series. Featuring a needy sub and a dom who’s trying to avoid heartbreak, this spicy MM PNR romance will pull at your heartstrings. Although this can be read as a standalone, it’s better enjoyed in order. Each book follows a different couple and has a guaranteed HEA.

Trigger Warnings: Suicidal ideation, Depression, PTSD, anxiety attacks – all shown on page. Violence, death, illness, stalking, battle are also shown on page.

Read Kay’s Review: Temperance

About the Author:

Lark lives with her family in southern England. An obsessive romance fan, she loves nothing more than a Happily Ever After – especially if there’s a good plot and a hefty amount of spice along the way. When she’s not reading or writing, she can be found hiding from adult life in escape rooms, travel and the MCU. As a Bi woman with OCD, Lark is a fervent supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and an advocate for mental health awareness and support.

Author Links Links:

@LarkTaylorAuthor – Instagram

@LarkTaylorAuthor – tiktok

Romance Larks – Facebook Reader Group – Website

2024 Excerpt/Teaser, Blog Tour - 2024, Dark Romance, New Adult, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Drew by Siobhan Davis

Loving me hasn’t ended well in the past. Why would this time be any different?

Drew, an all-new dark revenge romance, and the final book in the Rydeville Elite Series from USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Siobhan Davis, is now available!

Mistakes and secrets.

My life is littered with them. 

And it’s not always me who pays the price.

So, I do something I swore I wouldn’t do—become the monster my father raised me to be.

To shield my loved ones from the predators I hunt, I keep family and friends in the dark, but I won’t apologize for protecting them.

I do what needs to be done, and I’ve accepted my fate.

My heart is an impenetrable fortress now, and my only pleasure comes from anonymous encounters in the private dungeon of a club where I unleash my inner beast.

Years have passed, but my thirst for vengeance never dies.

I’ll tear the world apart to find the answers I seek. 

No one will stop me from having my revenge.

Including the woman who took a wrecking ball to my heart. 

Loving me hasn’t ended well in the past. Why would this time be any different?

Start reading today!

FREE in Kindle Unlimited


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Start Rydeville Elite today, FREE in KU

Keep reading for a look inside Drew!

“Where are we going?” Charlie asks from the passenger seat of my SUV as I turn off the road and drive through the open gates of the private entrance that leads to the old, abandoned hotel situated thirteen miles from Rydeville.

“You wanted to know, and the best way is to show you,” I supply as my cell pings with an incoming call. I press the button to accept Blackwood’s return call. “About damn time,” I growl.

“You’re not my only client.” His voice rings out through the car speakers.

“I’m the only client that matters.”

“Your arrogance never fails to astound me,” he replies in a droll tone.

“You’re not the first person to tell me that today,” I admit, and Charlie snorts. Silence descends for a few beats. “It’s okay,” I tell my contact. “Barron is with me, and he’s about to find out everything.”

“Good. That’s good. It’s long overdue.”

“Don’t have a clue who you are, but you talk sense,” Charlie says as I navigate along the bumpy driveway, maneuvering around potholes and bits of the old fence that litter our way.

“Ezra is my PI and personal hacker,” I explain, turning the windshield wipers on as the heavens open, tipping sheets of rain from the sky.

“I want to be there when you tell Daniels, Hunt, and Anderson.” Charlie chuckles.

“They will never know,” I say in a clipped tone, casting a quick glance at my buddy. “You promised you’d keep this confidential.”

“And I will.”

“I mean it, Charlie. I’m not dragging anyone else into this. It’s too dangerous.” I take a sharp left at the end of the bumpy road, driving more smoothly along the tree-lined lower part of the driveway now we’re on asphalt.

“I don’t agree, but I gave you my word. I won’t say anything to the others. The only people who will know are me and Demi.”

Charlie has changed so much. There was a time he was as secretive and stubborn as me. I’m still shocked he tells his wife everything.

I wonder what it’d be like to not have to hold anything back. To have someone accept you and love you completely knowing every dark broken part of you.

For more information about Siobhan Davis and her books, visit her website:

Blog Tour - 2024, LGBTQA+, RomCom, Sports Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Permanently Pucked by Emma Fox


Title: Permanently Pucked
Series: Chicago Racketeers #4
Author: Emma Foxx
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Why Choose/Sports/Hockey
Release Date: May 3, 2024
I don’t do casual hookups. Never have. Not even with the three supposed-to-be one-night stands I had six months ago.They all turned into the loves of my life.But now I know exactly what to do with the three hot guys I met at that serendipitous hockey game.Love them.Forever.

At least that’s the plan.

(Okay, yes, there’s still a lot of headboard-banging nights–and days–happening around here too. And days.)

Our house is truly a home, the naked-times are better than any dirty romance I’ve ever read…or written…and our relationship is rock solid.

At least, I’m pretty sure it is.

As long as we can take our foursome to four plus a bundle of joy without any of my guys deciding that our unconventional approach to family is just a little more than he bargained for.

Dani, Nathan, Michael, and Crew are back for the fourth and final installment of their romance! These books should be read in order so definitely start with Puck One Night Stands to enjoy their full sexy, fun story and their happily ever after!


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Read Kay’s Review: Permanently Pucked




I am one minute away from finding out if my life is going to change forever.

Literally. The timer on the counter is ticking off the seconds.

And that life change is going to affect three other people. Who are all crowded into my bathroom with me at the moment.

This isn’t exactly how I ever pictured getting life altering news.

Of course, I never pictured getting this particular news in my life at all.

I’ve seen these moments in movies and television shows. The ones where the couple has the pregnancy test beside them, and they’re waiting for the timer to ring and tell them the happy—or terrible, depending on their perspective and the situation—news.

But for me, I’ve always known I couldn’t have children, so I’ve somehow automatically put that all into the category of Things That Happen to Other People.

Like flying in economy, or shopping at Wal-Mart.




Emma Foxx is the super fun and sexy pen name for two long-time, bestselling romance authors who decided why have just one hero when you can have three at the same time? (they’re not sure what took them so long to figure this out)! Emma writes contemporary romances that will make you laugh (yes, maybe out loud in public) and want more…books (sure, that’s what we mean 😉). Find Emma on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Goodreads.


The series is coming to AUDIO!! And it’s a full cast production!

Release date to be announced so stay tuned and follow Emma Foxx for updates!

Blog Tour - 2024, Cowboy Romance, Erotic Romance, LGBTQA+, Suspense/Intrigue Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – The Accidental Siren by Lexi Blake

The Accidental Siren by Lexi Blake is now live!

She’s a woman on the run, but two cowboys will do anything to make her stay.

Joshua Barnes-Fleetwood is the prince of Willow Fork, Texas, but not all is right with his world. He’s the heir to a multimillion-dollar company, has a family he adores, and his best friend at his side. He can’t figure out what is missing until Nicole takes a job at Christa’s Café. The pretty waitress is a mystery he needs to solve. He’s never been so attracted to a woman, and after one night in her company, he’s sure she can handle his needs. Unfortunately, he’s also sure she’s lying to him. 

Jared “Grim” Burch found a home with the Barnes-Fleetwood family when he desperately needed one. With support from his newfound family, Grim beat all the odds and became a veterinarian. In Willow Fork, however, there are still people who are suspicious of him and his past. When he sees Nicole, he knows she’s the perfect woman for him and Josh, but he wonders if he has the right to bring her into his sometimes dangerous circle. 

For Nicole Mason, Willow Fork is nothing more than a pit stop. Once she can save up the money to fix her car, she’ll do what she’s been doing for the last several years. Run. Framed for her husband’s murder, she can never stop looking over her shoulder. There’s always someone on her trail, and she can’t let them bring her back to the real killer. Getting to know Josh and Grim makes her dream of the life they could have together. If only she could trust them with her secrets. 

When their past catches up to them all, they’ll find out that even a small town can be big trouble.

Download today on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo!


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About Lexi Blake
New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. Since starting her publishing journey in 2010, she’s sold over three million copies of her books. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings.

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Blog Tour - 2024, New Adult, Sports Romance, Year of Releases - 2024, Year of Reviews - 2024

Blog Tour – Puck Block by S.J. Sylvis

Puck Block by S.J. Sylvis is now live!

She’s my best friend’s little sister and completely off-limits. 
Especially to me.

A deliciously sexy, enemies-to-lovers, brother’s-best-friend, hockey romance by Amazon Top 50 and USA Today bestselling author, S.J. Sylvis

Ford Collins is my brother’s best friend and Bexley U’s favorite defender on the ice. Unfortunately, he feels the need to block much more than the puck.

Namely, ME and any chance I have with a guy.

Encouraged by my older brother, Ford has ruined every single date I’ve ever had. With his hot smirk and sly maneuvers, he has made it his mission to make me the most unattainable female college student in the world—that is, until I have a brush with death, and I beg him to help me.

After all, he owes me. And I’ve come to collect.

Determined to rid himself of the guilt, Ford promises to help me score a boyfriend—or two—and swears he won’t interfere.

But the more time I spend learning from one of Bexley U’s most desirable playboys, the more I start to question the real reason why he’s been sabotaging my dates over the years.

With the lingering touches, heated stares, and sizzling chemistry between us, we both know we’re playing with fire. What happens when our game of “practice” and Ford’s spicy lessons become something real that we not only need to hide from my older brother, but from each other?

Puck Block is book #3 in the Bexley U series and CAN be read as a standalone in this interconnected series. 

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

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Start reading the Bexley U series now!

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Meet S.J. Sylvis

S.J. Sylvis is an Amazon top 50 and USA Today bestselling author who is best known for her angsty new adult romances. She currently resides in Arizona with her husband, two young kiddos, and dog. She is obsessed with coffee, becomes easily attached to fictional characters, and spends most of her evenings buried in a book!

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